Subjects and Tips

Submit Abstract

Steps to Submit an Abstract 

  1. Become a member  -or-  Register as a Content Submitter *Skip if you have submitted before
  2. Log in
  3. Use the Worksheet to draft abstracts, copy and paste to the online form. The online form has a time limit, therefore this way you will not lose your work
  4. Submit your abstract (As many as you like)

► View Helpful Abstract Video *Includes insights on what the selection committee is looking for

 View "How to Give a Good Presentation"

 View What the Review Committee is Looking For

 Important Dates


Call for Abstracts Open


Call for Abstracts Closed  & MainTrain Review Committee scores abstracts


Selected presenters are invited to submit PowerPoint and speaker notes


Draft PowerPoint and ~2000 (approx 4 pages) submitted


Committee conducts final review of presentations and Presenters are notified of any suggested changes


Mandatory Speaker Orientation - regardless of in person or online


All final PowerPoint and ~2000 (aprox 4 pages) submitted


Pre-Conference Online Presentations

September 19-21     

Live MainTrain Conference

December 31

Online conference closes
(includes all in-person & online recorded presentations)


An overview of the subject areas and the relationships between them can be found in PEMAC's Body of Knowledge. Any categories are welcome.

The subjects covered by PEMAC educational programs, certifications and events are defined by, and aligned to two subject outlines which could be thought of as two different lenses on the overall life of assets.

Asset Management

Maintenance Management




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