City Scape


The subjects covered by PEMAC educational programs, certifications and events are defined by, and aligned to two subject outlines which could be thought of as two different lenses on the overall life of assets.

1) The "Asset Management" lens is made up of the 6 subject groups and the 39 subjects of the GFMAM Asset Management Landscape V2

2) The "Maintenance Management" lens is made up of 10 subject groups and the 56 subjects of the PEMAC Maintenance Management Framework which has been based on the GFMAM Maintenance Management Framework

The "Knowledge" section of the website begins with an Overview >> of the Asset Management and Maintenance Management subject frameworks.

Next, the Shared Learning Library >>  is a collection of resources, developed and shared by PEMAC members and contributors in recent years that we have now categorized according to the two subject frameworks. The goal is that no matter what subject you are interested in, you will be able to find relevant learning resources to expand your understanding.

Do you have questions or comments on any of the articles you find? If so, you can check to see whether the author has shared their contact information through the online Member Directory >>.

To round out the member-to-member knowledge sharing area, we are grateful to the publishers of Uptime who have agreed to share the Glossary of Terms >> from this excellent text with our members.

Submitting to the "Shared Learning Library"

You will notice that most of the articles currently in the library are MainTrain papers. The Body of Knowledge team has now set up a system for inviting, reviewing and accepting other types of material. 

Submit Content >>