2023 Schedule

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Using Risks In The Operating Context To Define Stakeholder Value

Presenter: Iqbal Biln
Manager, Corporate Technical Programs, St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corp.
As an organization, we have been doing asset management for many years and have adopted many good industry practices, but we know we have to evolve and continuously improve. We have set ourselves a mandate to align with ISO 55001 through an Asset Management Eco-System. As part of formalizing its asset management system, the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corp. (SLSMC) developed an Asset Management Value Framework with significant internal and external stakeholder engagement to define value. The process has allowed SLSMC to identify internal and external risk factors key to the sustainable seaway service delivery. In this presentation you’ll discover how we went about defining stakeholder value from Seaway Assets by exploring the drivers of value, the associated risks, and their impact on Seaway services in the present operating context.
About the Presenter:

Iqbal Singh Biln is the corporate manager for technical programs at the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corp. He is an experienced engineering professional with 30 years of multidisciplinary experience in asset management, engineering, infrastructure management, maintenance, and operations in the mining and marine industries. He has managed large, multi-scale projects, including preparation of business cases, investment justification, budget management, risk analysis, equipment selection, procurement, and construction management. Iqbal has also developed and implemented infrastructure inspection and assessment programs, preventative maintenance programs, business plans, and long-term asset renewal programs. As a Six Sigma Champion, Iqbal is committed to excellence through continuous improvement. He holds a B.Eng. and an MBA and is a registered professional engineer in Ontario. He also is a Certified Asset Management Assessor (CAMA) and a Certified Maintenance Management Professional (MMP).