2023 Schedule

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VCNA - SIGGA Technologies Business Program Integration Model

Presenter: Frank Stegnar
Manager II, Maintenance & Production Automation Weston Office, Votorantim Cimentos
Ty Levine
Vice President, Global Marketing
SIGGA Technologies deployment with Votorantim Cimentos SAP PM
About the Presenter:

Frank is the Maintenance and Automation Manager for Votorantim Cimentos CBM. He holds many trade licenses and has risen from the ranks after spending roles in Maintenance, North America Maintenance Planning and Project Management. He is well known in the industry after spending 35 years in the maintenance field and witnessing many changes and deeply part of new continued innovations.

He has sat on various Government regulatory bodies in Canada for new legislative code requirements being brought forward and his input has had impact on those code initiatives in the maintenance industry in general.

Frank finds ways to challenge himself by increasing equipment life cycles, exploring deeper preventative measures and placing his highest assignment on team building a new generation of maintenance personnel which includes the use of the most recent changes in technologies available.
He is a firm believer in preventative maintenance to ultimately “work smarter and not harder”.

About the Co-presenter: Ty is a builder. He has spent most of his career at startups and high growth companies. Throughout his career, he has brought a combination of marketing and business development experience to nurturing people, building high-performing teams, and developing market leading companies. He has taken three companies from irrelevancy to industry leadership status. Known as a contrarian, Ty seeks to find indirect ways to connect with people and customers. He is always quoted as saying, “I believe 1+1 can equal 3.”