2024 Schedule

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Continuous Improvement of the "Maintenance Defect"

Presenter: Brian Malloch
MMP Instructor, Humber Polytechnic
In this presentation, Brian Malloch will discuss the following goals: align continuous improvement (CI) terminology with performance management (PM) analytics in maintenance and asset management; align terminology associated with continuous improvement of maintenance and asset management through the PDCA cycle; introduce the “maintenance defect” and its impact on “customer satisfaction”; establish customer expectations as foundational goals and objectives of maintenance and asset management; and reintroduce “study and observation” in PDCA as a focus on reducing operational and financial impact of maintenance defects, while improving customer satisfaction.
About the Presenter:

Brian Malloch’s 45 years of experience in various roles in maintenance and asset management beginning with aircraft and helicopter maintenance and overhaul led to industrial maintenance, maintenance management, executive leadership, and consulting roles. His semi-retirement led to ongoing MMP instruction and engagement with PEMAC on the Board of Directors and as PEMAC’s president.