2024 Schedule

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PEMAC STO Management Training & Certification - Survey Results and Status Update

Presenter: Ron Bettin
President & Principal Consultant, Adduco Consulting
Frank Engli
Regional Group Lead – Canada for Becht’s Reliability, Maintenance, Turnarounds and Capital Projects Group
This abstract proposal for a three-part session: 1) PEMAC Shutdown, Turnaround & Outages (STO) Survey Results & Update 2) Panel Session Discussion of STO Subject Matter Experts 3) Opportunity for Attendee input 1. PEMAC Shutdown, Turnaround & Outages (STO) Survey Results & Status Update Presenter: Ron Bettin In Q1 of 2024 PEMAC surveyed the members for input on the potential development of a Shutdown, Turnaround and Outage (STO) Management Training & Certification Program. This Session will share an overview of the findings and status update including: • Alignment with PEMAC’s Vision & Mission • Extent and scale of STO events in the industry sectors represented by PEMAC members • Current landscape of STO management training & certification • Industry needs and requirements for STO management training & certification • PEMAC STO Management Training & Certification cost-benefit assessment • Status of PEMAC STO Management Training & Certification Initiative • Other key findings 2. Panel Session Discussion of STO Subject Matter Experts Panel Chair: Frank Engli Panel Members: Selected PEMAC STO Subject Matter Experts This panel session would discuss the following proposed topics: • How do the STO survey findings reflect the requirements for Shutdowns, Turnarounds & Outages (STO) in your industry sector? • How would effective STO Management Training provide value to your industry sector? • What do you feel are the most important training requirements for STO Management? • If PEMAC developed STO Management & Certification, what could be done to make this successful? 3. Opportunity for MAINTRAIN Attendee Input: It will be important to end this panel session with an opportunity for MAINTRAIN Attendee Input including: 1) Open mic to get feedback and input from the attendees. 2) A “Call-to-Action” asking for PEMAC volunteers to support and commit to the development of STO Training & Certification if there is sufficient support.
About the Presenter:

Ron is a respected industry executive and business leader. With a vibrant entrepreneurial spirit, he is the co-founder of several companies, including two energy companies. Cross-functional business and technology understanding gives Ron a unique perspective to help companies grow and transform. As a leader, Ron provides strategic business and project management skills to fill leadership gaps from small start-ups to large organizations.

Ron is a graduate of Queen’s University Executive MBA program, SAIT’s Industrial Engineering Technology (Operations Management), and a Second-Class Power Engineer. He has studied at the China Europe International Business School in Shanghai and is a Prosci® Certified Change Practitioner.

Earlier in his career, Ron was actively involved with PEMAC, helping to establish the Alberta Chapter and proactively encouraging those he worked with to engage in the MMP program. He was the 2007 winner of the PEMAC Sergio Guy Memorial Award and continues to offer support by maintaining his PEMAC membership.

About the Co-presenter: Frank Engli, P.Eng., is the Regional Group Lead – Canada for Becht’s Reliability, Maintenance, Turnarounds and Capital Projects Group and resides in Edmonton, Alberta. Frank has over 40 years of experience working in operation settings at six different sites across Canada on project, maintenance, HSSE and turnaround management and continuous improvement processes in the energy, refinery, and petrochemical industry. He has extensive expertise in solving site problems and a proven track record to implement change and create sustaining management programs and processes including improved business controls practices and contracts management. Frank has also built a strong network across North American with external clients, competitors, contractors and building trades and is a sought as a speaker at Canadian and international turnaround and maintenance conferences, webinars, and podcasts. Mr. Engli has engineering and business degrees (BASc - Windsor, M.Eng - Toronto and MBA – Saint Mary’s) and is a certified Six Sigma Black Belt practitioner. He is a licensed engineer in provinces of Alberta and Ontario. Becht is a global specialty consulting provider in the energy industry, focused on helping our clients succeed. Becht engages world class experts in providing multi-disciplinary solutions in engineering and plant services.