The ISO standard ‘ISO 55000 Asset Management’ was published in January 2014.This new standard provides a fresh focus upon the purpose and application of asset management within organisations. The significant interest in the standard shown by asset owners, regulators and certification bodies reflects a universal business desire to improve the value returned to organisations, through the effective management of physical assets.To realise that benefit, organizations require knowledgeable people capable of applying an asset management certification process who, at the same time, can use that process to provide the value that business desires.As a non-commercial, worldwide association of professional asset management bodies, the GFMAM has published a document that specifies the appropriate asset management knowledge for personnel who apply an audit or assessment process against the requirements of ‘ISO 55000 Asset Management’.The aim of that specification the ‘GFMAM ISO55001 Auditor Assessor Specification’ is to help asset owners identify people who are able to provide that value to businesses.Certification bodies likewise will benefit from the use of the Specification to select people with the GFMAM recognised asset management knowledge, providing surety that the added value that organisations seek can be realised.The Auditor Assessor Specification is provided free by the GFMAM.
The Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM) has been established with the aim of sharing collaboratively advancements, knowledge and standards in Maintenance and Asset Management.
The members of GFMAM (at the time of issue of this document) are: