<p>In this workshop, you’ll learn to foster an asset management culture within your organization with a focus on methods to form alignment, engagement, and internal championing. Based on the speaker’s experience and lessons learned in establishing and updating a program for large government organizations with diverse and complex portfolios, he’ll present his approach for the City of Mississauga. He’ll provide an overview on how to keep the program organized with large amounts of data and information, while staying committed to a fundamental view of purpose.</p>
<p>Nigel D’Souza is a licensed professional engineer in Ontario and a CAMA with a career spanning private and public sector organizations and corporate leadership in maintenance and asset management. In his current role as the asset management consultant for the City of Mississauga, Nigel has been developing capital planning and asset management practice and programs for more than 300 city-maintained facilities and associated infrastructure. With more than a decade of leading asset and maintenance management practices, Nigel continues to raise awareness and recognition of this field and continues to serve in different capacities as president, PEMAC, GTA Chapter; director on the National Board; and member of the Public Sector Focus Group.</p>