<p>There are many new lubricants, bearings, seals, and lube accessories, but we need to do better. Ninety percent of rolling element bearings don’t reach their design life, and the main contributing factors relate to lubrication. This can mean the wrong type, too much, too little, not often enough, or not applied right. Generally, such things can be easily corrected, but a learning, productive working environment is key. Similar to hydraulics, the leading cause of equipment issues is contamination. This can be water, dirt, and/or wear. In this presentation, we’ll give you a number of examples and study results, as well as present some solutions.</p>
<p>Ken J. Brown is an engineer with a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in mechanical engineering from the University of Waterloo. His master’s thesis was on the wear of CANDU reactor tube materials. In 1976, he joined Ontario Hydro with the Engineering Analysis Group of the Power Equipment Department of Design & Development. He worked on standards, specifications, tender reviews, and troubleshooting on bearings, lubes, seals, and EHC fluids for new and existing fossil and nuclear power stations. Ken left Ontario Hydro in 1993 to form Utility Service Associates (now Eco Fluid Center Ltd.). He provides support to power stations and EPRI, and he developed a canola oil-based “green” grease called VSG for hydroelectric stations and a grease called MOV Long Life for nuclear valve actuators. For EPRI, Ken has contributed to a number of Lube Notes and was the main contractor for its EHC fluid maintenance and EHC fluid compatibility guides. He continues to assist EPRI with day-to-day issues regarding EHC fluids and is also assisting Canoil Canada. Ken is a member of ASTM D2 on lubricants, has represented Canada on IEC and ISO work groups on EHC fluids and turbine oils, and was the vice-chair of the NRC Associate Committee on Tribology. He has given many presentations and/or papers for STLE, EPRI, MOV Users Group, and Noria, as well as at universities and colleges. He is a life member and fellow of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, and is a Certified Lubrication Specialist.</p>