This presentation is designed to assist the attendees to understand the concepts and principles of asset management. It will then develop the vision for the maintenance and reliability organizations in an asset management compliant organization. The attendees will leave the presentation with a set of guidelines to insure that their maintenance and reliability organizations can properly support their company's asset management initiatives.
Terry, CRL & CMRP, is the senior vice president of strategic development. He leads Vesta’s asset management, maintenance, and reliability seminars and training.mFor over four decades Terry has been specializing in the improvement of maintenance and reliability management strategy and processes by assisting clients in developing “Best-in-class” maintenance and reliability policies and procedures. He has authored twenty five textbooks and scores of white papers and articles related to maintenance management process and technology. Terry represented Vesta on the US TAG as part of PC-251 in the development of the ISO-55000 standard. He currently holds the IAM’s Certificate in Asset Management.