Cross-Functional Municipal Teams Expand Asset Management Knowledge with Grant Funded AMP Program

Made possible by a grant through the Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP), which is delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada, municipal sector practitioners from across Canada have been participating in a special delivery of PEMAC's Asset Management Professional (AMP) education and certification program.
Participants Begin Their Asset Management Journey
In June 2020, cross-functional municipal teams embarked on a 22-month learning journey as cohorts through the six course program. AMP Course 1 was delivered as a 5-day live online course, while the other courses were delivered asynchronously each over 10 weeks by Northern Lakes College. The program introduced participants to the latest in strategic asset management thinking while building organizational capacity for excellence in Asset Management.
Over 92 municipal participants, representing cross-functional teams from 43 municipalities have participated in the special cohort delivery of the AMP program, and developed the capacity to engage others and build their knowledge and skills in key subject areas while familiarizing themselves with tools for strategic decision-making at each stage of the asset lifecycle.
These municipal cohorts just completed AMP course 5 in November, and many of the participants are preparing to begin the final course, AMP Course 6 in January 2022, applying all of their knowledge from the first five courses into a final Capstone Project. Successful completion of the six courses in March 2022 will lead this group of practitioners to the Certified Asset Management Professional (CAMP) designation.
During this grant initiative, PEMAC and Northern Lakes College were also able to deliver AMP Course 1 as a stand-alone course in December 2020, and in February, May and October 2021. An additional 34 municipal practitioners from 14 municipalities participated in the introductory course to Asset Management. The course provided an overview of the essentials of Asset Management in the context of ISO 5500x and the GFMAM Landscape, allowing them to identify opportunities for application of Asset Management concepts in your organization to realize value. Some of these participants continued their learning journey with additional courses in the AMP program.
Expanding Asset Management Knowledge Across Canada
Municipalities of all sizes across Canada have made the first steps in their learning journey together. We wish all the participants continued success in their journey as the cohorts enter their final course in the program next term, and join all the over 95 municipal practitioners who completed the 2018/2020 FCM funded program.