City Scape


Renewal Global Certifications

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Global Certification CTAM - Renewal


Global Certification CPAM - Renewal


Global Certification CSAM - Renewal

Info - CTAM

Our Membership period is calendar based and goes from September 1st - August 31st. 

Membership benefits are included.

Membership Renewal Pricing

Prices Inclusive of Tax

Province of primary addressRenewal
1 Year

AB, BC, MB, QC, SK, NU, NT, YT - 5% tax


ON - 13% tax


NB, NL, NS, PEI - 15% tax


Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

You will receive an email detailing continuing professional development (CPD) requirements for CTAM certification upon completing the renewal process.

You can also log in and visit the CPD Page at any time to track your CPD and download the annual submission forms.

Info - CPAM

Our Certification period is calendar-based from September 1st - August 31st. 

Membership benefits are included with recertification.

Reinstatement of an expired Certification is not prorated.

Recertification Pricing

1 Year ($155)

Province of primary addressInclusive of Tax

AB, BC, MB, QC, SK, NU, NT, YT - 5% tax


ON - 13% tax


NB, NL, NS, PEI - 15% tax


Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

You will receive an email detailing continuing professional development (CPD) requirements for CPAM certification upon completing the renewal process.

You can also log in and visit the CPD Page at any time to track your CPD and download the annual submission forms.

Info - CSAM

Our Certification period is calendar based and goes from September 1st - August 31st. 

Membership benefits are included with your recertification.

If you have allowed your Certification to expire, your reinstatement will not be prorated.

Recertification Pricing

Prices Inclusive of Tax

Province of primary addressRecertification
1 Year

AB, BC, MB, QC, SK, NU, NT, YT - 5% tax


ON - 13% tax


NB, NL, NS, PEI - 15% tax


Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

You will receive an email detailing continuing professional development (CPD) requirements for CSAM certification upon completing the renewal process.

You can also log in and visit the CPD Page at any time to track your CPD and download the annual submission forms.

Price selection
For Employees of Corporate and Allied Members
Primary Address on file
You can change this in your profile after you renew.