City Scape

Call for Abstracts - Extended to May 15

Submit an Abstract

Abstract Submission Guideline and Worksheet

Abstract Submission Process

  1. Become a member    -or-    Register as a Content Submitter (If you have submitted before, skip to step #2)

  2. Log in
  3. Use the Worksheet to draft abstracts, then copy and paste to the online form. The online form has a time limit, therefore this way you will not lose your work
  4. Submit your abstract

Things to Keep in mind

  • You do not need to be a member to submit
  • PEMAC does not pay any speaker for participation
  • You can submit as many as you like
  • Only an outline or short discretion (250~ words) are needed to submit
  • After you are selected, you will need to follow the presenter guidelines (PPT & Speaker Notes)
  • After you are selected, you will receive a speaker discount registration code (only for main speaker)
  • Presentation cannot be commercial in nature
  • Virtual presentations are reserved for presenters who cannot attend in-person

Types of Presentations

Important Dates

January 27, 2023

Call for Abstracts Open

April 1, 2023Submit before April 1 to receive 250 Gamification Points to win prizes as an attendee

May 15, 2023

Call for Abstracts Closed
MainTrain Review Committee scores abstracts

May 24, 2023
(New Date)

Selected presenters are invited to submit PowerPoint and speaker notes

July 28, 2023

Draft PowerPoint and ~2000 (approx. 4 pages) submitted by presenters

August, 2023

Committee conducts final review of presentations and presenters are notified of any suggested changes

August, 2023

Mandatory Speaker Orientation - regardless of in person or online

August, 2023

All final PowerPoint and ~2000 (approx. 4 pages) submitted by presenters

August/September, 2023

Pre-Conference Online Presentations

September 8-11, 2023Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM) Meetings

September 11-13, 2023

Live MainTrain Conference

September 14, 2023PEMAC Board of Directors Meeting

December 31, 2023

Virtual Access Closes


► View Helpful Abstract Video *Includes insights on what the selection committee is looking for

 View "How to Give a Good Presentation"


An overview of the subject areas and the relationships between them can be found in PEMAC's Body of Knowledge. Any categories are welcome.

The subjects covered by PEMAC educational programs, certifications and events are defined by, and aligned to two subject outlines which could be thought of as two different lenses on the overall life of assets.

Asset Management

Maintenance Management



 Do you want to guarantee a speaking opportunity?

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