Framework for Action
Logged in PEMAC volunteers have access to the following documentation, depending on their role:
Guidance for Volunteers
- Bylaws
- Policies and Procedures
- Business Model & Accountabilities
- Committee Terms of Reference
- Template for proposing new projects
Tech Support Documentation (Users)
- File sharing tools
- Phone & web conferencing tools
- Tech support discussion forums
Guidance for Team Leaders
- Templates and standards for taking and saving minutes
Tech Support Documentation (Leaders)
- File sharing tools
- Phone & web conferencing tools
- Tech support discussion forums
Guidance for Chapter Leaders
All of the above plus:
- Rules and Regulations for Chapters
- Guidlines for Chapter Treasurers
- Chapter Executive Discussion Forum
Guidance for the Board of Directors
All of the above plus:
- BoD Agendas and Minutes
- Project Documents
- BoD Discussion Forum