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PEMAC holds an annual awards dinner in association with the MainTrain conference to honour contributions to the association and the profession.

Award Categories:

Sergio Guy Award

This prestigious award recognizes the efforts of an individual who has made significant contributions to both our profession and our Association.  The Sergio Guy Memorial Award has acknowledged the outstanding achievements of many professionals – maintenance managers, professional writers, educators, and consultants – all of whom have exemplified excellence in promoting and representing our Association, the profession, and our members.

Sergio Guy Award - nominations are open!

Sergio Guy Award - past recipients

Maintenance Team of the Year


The Awards Committee is pleased to announce the development of a two new awards for 2018, "Maintenance Team of the Year, Large Organization" and "Maintenance Team of the Year, Small Organization".

The Maintenance Team of the Year:

  • Has sustained high performance -or- has initiated work on a maintenance improvement plan which is on schedule -or-has reorganized for effectiveness and efficiency -or- has developed and is implementing a training and development plan.
  • Has established control over frequent breakdowns and reactive maintenance by employing such tactics as planning and scheduling, materials control, preventive/predictive maintenance, performance measures and information systems. In this plant maintenance is well out of the fire-fighting / reactive mode.
  • Has initiated a continuous improvement process in maintenance, such as TPM, RCFA, RCM, and/or operator involvement (autonomous maintenance / 5S).
  • Has improved the administrative or work flow management processes to reduce costs, improve service, save time or enhance quality of work done.
  • Has achieved at or above "Understanding" on the all categories of the “Uptime Excellence Grid” with and at least 3 scores of “Competence” or higher.

Maintenance Team of the Year - nominations are now open!

Maintenance Team of the Year - past recipients

Capstone Awards

The Capstone Awards encourage and recognize excellence in the final project of the MMP and AMP learning programs, the Capstone.  Capstone instructors nominate for this award from amoung the participants in the courses that they instructed over the course of the year. There are three categories for the Capstone award:

  • Best MMP Capstone project: Technical focus
  • Best MMP Capstone project: Business Process focus
  • (NEW!) Best AMP Capstone project

Members of the successful teams are invited to MainTrain to present their project.

MMP Capstone Award Past Recipients

AMP Capstone Award Past Recipients

Lifetime Membership

Lifetime Membership is an award granted upon retirement from a formal leadership position within the Association to recognize an individual member’s contribution to PEMAC, and by extension their contribution to the Maintenance and Asset Management profession.

Lifetime Membership Past Recipients