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PEMAC recognizes distinguished contributions to the association and the profession through its annual awards program.

Asset Management Team of the Year Award

Category: Asset Management

Type: Team

Asset Management is in its infancy in Canada, yet so many organizations are making great strides towards implementing an effective asset management program in their organization. 

Do you know a team, either within a department, or across departments in an organization that has made steps over the last year towards their Asset Management objectives?

This award celebrates teams that recognize what success looks like in their organization, and have made substantial steps towards that goal through the betterment of Asset Management practices.

These organizations may not have reached their goal yet but have the core fundamentals in place and are making progress through the development of elements such as a policy, a framework, an AM plan, an asset register, amp, a risk management program, or a preventative maintenance program for example.

If you know a team that is making progress towards their organization’s Asset Management goals nominate them for the Asset Management Achievement award.


Nominations Process:

All PEMAC Awards are limited to members of the association. You can join here

The 2024 PEMAC Awards nomination period is now closed.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a nomination this year.