AMP Capstone Award | PEMAC

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AMP Capstone Award

AMP Capstone Award

The AMP Capstone Awards encourage and recognize excellence in the Asset Management Professional (AMP) program final project, the Capstone.

Recipients of this award are invited to the MainTrain Conference to present their project.


AMP Capstone (Course 6) instructors nominate for this award from amoung the participants in the courses that they instructed over the course of the year.


2023 AMP Capstone Award

Metrolinx's Station Fare Transaction Processor Asset Management Framework

Ashvin Koarga

Manager, Asset and Order Management

2022 AMP Capstone Award

Implementing Asset Management at Ontario Northland’s Motor Coach Division

Blair Carmichael


2021 AMP Capstone Award

NTPC Asset Management Systems

Ian Flood

Asset Manager, Thermal
Northwest Territories Power Corporation

2020 AMP Capstone Award

Departure Bay Pump Station Asset Management Assessment

Lorena Mueller

Wastewater Coordinator
Regional District of Nanaimo

2019 AMP Capstone Award

Strategic Asset Management at Spectra Energy

Mark Boomer

Boomer Consulting Limited

2018 AMP Capstone Award

Amine Filtration System

Tonnie Trim

Asset Management Consultant