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PEMAC recognizes distinguished contributions to the association and the profession through its annual awards program.

Maintenance Team of the Year Award

Category: Maintenance Management

Type: Team

Qualifying Teams

  • Have sustained high performance -or- has initiated work on a maintenance improvement plan which is on schedule -or-has reorganized for effectiveness and efficiency -or- has developed and is implementing a training and development plan, AND
  • Have established control over frequent breakdowns and reactive maintenance by employing such tactics as planning and scheduling, materials control, preventive/predictive maintenance, performance measures and information systems. This plant maintenance is well out of the fire-fighting / reactive mode, AND 
  • Have initiated a continuous improvement process in maintenance, such as TPM, RCFA, RCM, and/or operator involvement (autonomous maintenance / 5S), AND
  • Have improved administrative or workflow management processes to reduce costs, improve service, save time or enhance the quality of work done, AND
  • Can provide an in-house survey of plant performance using the “Uptime Excellence Grid” with all scores at or above “Understanding” and at least 3 scores of “Competence” or higher.

Why "Large Organization" & "Small Organization"?

Large and small organizations are fundamentally different and it would be difficult to compare teams fairly across a certain breakpoint. Small teams can make decisions and implement more quickly. They can also function on a very informal basis and still get things done. Adding bureaucracy and formality to how they operate can slow them down. On the other hand, when an organization reaches a certain size more formality is required for smooth functioning.

Definition of "Small Organization"

A team will be considered for the Small Organization Award if their organization has 150 employees or less.

Definition of "Large Organization"

A team will be considered for the Large Organization Award if their organization has more than 150 employees.


Nominations Process:

To be eligible for Maintenance Team of the Year, the team must be employed in Canada at the time of submission. The team may nominate itself with validation of their submission by their plant / site manager. No member of the judging committee may participate as a candidate or by making a nomination. All submissions must include name and contact information for the person making the nomination and the person seconding the nomination. These individuals must work with the nominated candidate either as employers, employees, contractors or consultants. Request a copy of the nomination form by clicking the button below and filling out the form to request an application package.

All PEMAC Awards are limited to members of the association. You can join here

The 2024 PEMAC Awards nomination period is now closed.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a nomination this year.