Global Certification Scheme
PEMAC Asset Management Association of Canada, in collaboration with the other members of the World Partners in Asset Management, is proud to announce the launch the long awaited Global Certification Scheme (GCS), created to align credentials in Asset Management in Canada and around the world.
The scheme marks a big step in the professionalization of asset management across the globe and provides a laddered career path for individuals who are looking to expand their skills and receive global recognition for their knowledge and competency as an asset management professional.
This competency-based scheme provides a structure which organizations anywhere in the world can use to ensure that new recruits have the knowledge, skills and experience to apply asset management principles in various contexts while also providing professionals with global recognition for asset management competence.
Administration of the Scheme
The WPiAM will own and maintain the standards of the scheme. WPiAM will accredit partner associations like PEMAC to offer these certifications and will audit to ensure that the certification standards are being applied consistently around the world.
WPiAM is a worldwide partnership, working to enable individuals and organizations to develop, assess and recognize competence in Asset Management.
The creation and administration of this scheme is a global effort and marks a major achievement for PEMAC and the profession of asset management across the globe.
Highlight Your Asset Management Competency
CSAM - Certified Senior Principal in Asset Management
Applicable to practitioners (or expert advisors thereto) responsible for the establishment, updating and management oversight of the application of a holistic and integrated AMF across a significant area of the organization’s business, informed by the organization’s strategic objectives.
CPAM - Certified Practitioner in Asset Management
Applicable to practitioners (or advisors thereto) responsible for the establishment, updating, and management oversight of the application of a Domain of AM that is significant to the organization’s AMF across a significant area of business. Importantly, this framework must inform, and be informed by, the organization’s strategic objectives.
CTAM - Certified Technical Specialist in Asset Management
Applicable to persons that are Proficient in the application of specific and essential activities within a relevant Domain of AM required to deliver against the AM objectives of the organization.
Download the Global Certification Scheme Information Package to learn more about these globally recognized certifications.
Download the GCS Information Package
Are you already Certified MMP or CAMP?
In general, anyone who has completed all of the courses in the MMP program will have the required asset management knowledge for either the CTAM or CPAM certifications. Which of these certifications you might pursue would depend on your demonstrated work experience, skills and level of responsibility.
Similarly, anyone who has completed all of the courses in the AMP program will have the depth of AM knowledge required for a CSAM when coupled with an assessment of their demonstrated competency in practice. To become CSAM certified you will have specific competencies assessed based on demonstrated application.