City Scape

2015 Webcast Series Recordings Now Available


The 2015 PEMAC Lunch & Learn Webcast Series was an overwhelming success. Featuring eight presentations on a variety of topics by engaging speakers, each presentation provided tips and techniques that will support you in your asset management, maintenance and reliabilty strategies. If you missed any of the webcasts, we invite you to log on to the Knowledge Sharing section of the members' site and listen to the recordings that are now available. Don't miss more information coming soon on the 2016 PEMAC Lunch & Learn Webcast series. Special thank you to our webcast partner, Northern Lakes College, and specicially Edith MacKenzie for ensuring things ran smoothly!

Topics Include:
1. Realizing Value from your CBM Program – DharmenDhaliah, City of TorontoAsset 
2. Life Cycle Management…to Optimize Total Cost ofOwnership – Ramesh Gulati, AEDC/ATA-Jacobs
3. Optimizing Your Defect Elimination Program – Reid Jenner, Reliability Consultant
4. New Rules for Managing Assets – RoopchanLutchman, GHD
5. How to Facilitate Productive, Interactive, Engaging Meetings that Bring out the Skills and Talents of the Team – Marie Gervais, Shift Management
6. Maintenance Crew Performance Management Through KPIs – J.-P. Pascoli, Cameco
7. Getting to the Bottom of Things – Cliff Williams, ERCO
8. Condition Based Maintenance Strategy – Kendal Martens, City of Calgary