City Scape


Nova Scotia Chapter Reunites, Maintenance, Reliability, and Asset Management Professionals

Nova Scotia

After a long hiatus due to the global pandemic, the Nova Scotia chapter of PEMAC hosted its first in-person event since January 2020.

PEMAC Attends CNAM's 2023 National Conference in Fredericton

This week, PEMAC was proud to participate in the Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM)'s 2023 National Conference. The annual event was hosted from May 1 to 4 in Fredericton, New Brunswick. With over 200 attendees participating in person and on-line during this hybrid event, it was a memorable week.

Volunteering with PEMAC

Volunteering with PEMAC during International Volunteer Week and Beyond

PEMAC Ethics Reporting and Whistleblower Protection Policy


PEMAC takes all allegations of misconduct and policy violations seriously and seeks to address any misconduct in an expedient manner.  PEMAC requires directors, officers, employees, and members to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities.  As employees and representatives of the PEMAC, we must pract

Welcome to National Volunteer Week

Welcome to National Volunteer Week with PEMAC

During National Volunteer Week, PEMAC celebrates its members being among approximately 24-million volunteers giving time, effort, and expertise across Canada.  

Honouring the Volunteers Who Founded PEMAC

The Founding Members of the Canadian Leaders in Asset Management

Honouring the volunteers who founded PEMAC

During National Volunteer Week 2023, we celeb

PEMAC attends GFMAM Bi-Annual Meeting and AMPEAK Conference


PEMAC Participates in 2023 FCM Asset Management Collaboration Workshop

PEMAC was proud to once again participate, in the annual Asset Management Collaboration Workshop hosted by the Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP), an initiative funded by the Government of Canada and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.