City Scape


Saskatoon Chapter April Meeting


PEMAC)'s Saskatoon Chapter hosted a brainstorming session to identify the future direction and objectives of the Saskatoon chapter aligned with the member’s expectations.

Date: Monday, April 20th, 2015   Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm 


Saskatoon PEMAC Chapter February Meeting


The Plant Engineering and Maintenance Association of Canada (PEMAC)'s Saskatoon Chapter hosted it's chapter meeting and knowledge sharing event.

Date: Tuesday, February 24th, 2015    Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Sasktoon Chapter Executive Call for Nominations


The PEMAC Saskatoon Chapter accepted nominations for positions on the chapter executive in early January 2015. The positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer were up for election.

Member Spotlight: Greg Engman, MMP

Since the mid 80's Greg has been in planning, scheduling, and management types of roles with titles like Maintenance Foreman, Management of Change Coordinator, Equipment Reliability Technician, and involved both in troubleshooting existing plants and in commissioning and startup of new facilities.

Member Spotlight: Lana Delic, MMP

Lana came into a maintenance management role from an unexpected direction. She spent most of her career in progressively responsible administrative positions, at one point owning and operating her own business.

Employer: Greater Toronto Airport Authority
Job Title: Tenant Airline Representative

Member Spotlight: Brent Corey, MMP

Brent has spent most of his career - over 30 years so far - in the pulp and paper industry where he achieved 3rd Class Power Engineering certification. He also achieved Journeyman Machinist status and now a "Maintenance Management Professional" designation having recently completed the PEMAC MMP program at British Columbia Institute of Technology.

Member Spotlight: Bejoy Mathew, P.Eng, MMP

Bejoy has worked in the maintenance, planning and reliability field since graduating from Mechanical Engineering in 1990. He came to Canada 5 years ago and has worked for Suncor ever since. "I enjoy my job and my company. I like putting good plans to the execution team to ensure projects go well."