City Scape


Sarnia Meet & Greet: Professionals Connecting

A group of Asset Management, maintenance and reliability professionals in Sarnia, Ontario met this week to connect, learn and contribute. PEMAC is proud to support these valuable opportunities for professionals across all industries to connect and share. 

New Article Posted to the BoK

Thanks to Richard Beer and Michael Rosenberg for their paper titled: “From Horseless Carriages to Cars – Disruptive Influencers and the Importance of Mindset Shift to Implement a Maintenance Management Strategy: A Case Study with JEFFBOAT”

A Taste of MainTrain 2017 Learning

The Body of Knowledge team has now published selected MainTrain 2017 papers to the Shared Learning Library page.

Do you have a story to share?

Our PEMAC members have some amazing insights to share when it comes to asset management and maintenance management! The opportunity for our members to share their knowledge with others in their profession is a key benefit of the association.

Asset Management Excellence: Seeking Volunteers

Are you passionate about Asset Management?

Do you have insight and experience to help guide others in building effective asset management strategies?

PEMAC is currently seeking volunteers to prepare content and provide guidance, for building awareness and a desire for excellence in asset management.

Body of Knowledge - Ready to Accept Members' Submissions

We are open for business!!

New Asset Management Laws for Ontario Municipalities

Asset Management is an integral part of every organization’s plan. As of December 27, 2017, the Asset Management Planning Regulation for Ontario came into effect. 

Learn more about the Asset Management regulations for Ontario municipalities here:

SMRP & PEMAC Joint Webcast: Creating an Asset Management Roadmap

Register now for the next SMRP and PEMAC joint webcast featuring Lindsay Hall of EPCOR Utilities Inc. who will present: Creating an Asset Management Roadmap Using Process Improvement Methodology.