A Taste of MainTrain 2017 Learning
Post date:
18 Jan 2018 - 6:43pm
The Body of Knowledge team has now published selected MainTrain 2017 papers to the Shared Learning Library page.
- John Hardwick Keynote Address - The Value of Asset Management (with video of the presentation)
- Operational Reliability: Case Study of an RCM Analysis and the Unexpected Result
- Debunking Risk Resiliency by Implementing a Risk-Based Maintenance Strategy
- Key Components of Electrical Power System Maintenance
- Case Study: Implementing Business Process for Capital Investment Using Asset Analytics
- Asset Decision Framework for Optimal Value
- Developing a Leadership Mindset: The Journey from Operations to Supervisor Thinking
- PM Optimization: Integrating Lean into your Maintenance Strategy
- Reliability Centered Maintenance Re-Engineered RCM-R(r): An Introduction
- Setting up for Success
- Organizational Alignment
- Case Study: Lean Six Sigma in Maintenance Optimization
The criteria for posting was:
1) Review by a BoK team member
2) Full paper or video of the presentation was provided by the presenter (not just slides)
3) Presenter's permission on file
Click here for a quick link to the list of abstracts for these MainTrain 2017 presentations
type "MainTrain 2017" (in quotations) into the search window on the Shared Learning Library page.