City Scape


Municipalities Start Asset Managment Learning Journey in Saskatoon & Newmarket

Groups of municipal teams began their learning journey together last week, when the Asset Management Professional (AMP) program for cross-functional municipal teams kicked off in Saskatoon and Newmarket. 

PEMAC Board of Directors Election Results

The election results are in!

20% of the members participated in the election, 7% more than last year. This means that for the first time we have reached our participation goal, a great step forward for the continued vigour of our association. Thank you to all who participated to contribute to this result.

The candidates elected are:

Recap - GTA Chapter Professional Development and Tour


On the 29th of November, the GTA chapter professional development event was held at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. The goal of the event was to develop the knowledge of PEMAC associated professionals while giving them the opportunity to network among the local community.

From the TC251 website

New ISO Asset Management Standard Published

The ISO committee for Asset Management, TC251, has published an update to the ISO 55002 document, now dubbed 55002:2018 Guidelines for the application of ISO 55001.

Networking Event in Montreal - A Success!


Recently maintenance, reliability and asset management professionals met in Montreal for networking and knowledge sharing, and to gather interest for a possible Montreal Chapter. This event was hosted by PEMAC and attended by professionals from varied backgrounds in asset management profession.

Future of Operations - Microsoft GTA Event

Future of Operations

Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 | 07:45 AM - 02:30 PM

Location: International Centre, 6900 Airport Rd, Mississauga, ON

Comminqué - GFMAM Meetings Orlando October 2018

The nineteenth face-to-face Council meeting of the Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM) was hosted in Orlando, USA by the Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP) from October 21st to 26th, 2018 in conjunction with the SMRP annual conference.

Call for Presentations: CNAM 13th Annual Conference

Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM) is hosting it's 13th Annual Conference in Kelowna, BC from May 6 to 9, 2019. No longer a side project or a buzz word, the adoption of Asset Management practices is now entrenched in every facet of community development and the pace is quickening.