City Scape


Successful Inaugural Event for Nova Scotia Chapter

Nova Scotia

PEMAC's newest chapter, the Nova Scotia Chapter hosted it's first official event on Tuesday, April 16. There were 24 maintenance, reliability and asset management professionals in attendance from across Nova Scotia, and even a few who had travelled from New Brunswick! Each representing various industries as well as the municipal sector. 

Suzane Greeman Shares a Passion for Maintenance and Asset Management


A PEMAC member since 2014, Suzane Greeman ASQ-CMQ/OE, CAMA, CAMP, CMRP is one active professional! Like PEMAC, Suzane shares a passion for maintenance and asset management, and it shows in everything she does.

Nova Scotia Chapter at a kick off event!

Nova Scotia

Come join us!

We are excited to invite all of you; new, old and undecided members to our very first official Nova Scotia PEMAC Chapter event. Come out and meet the executive and provide input to the Strategy and Goals of your newly formed Chapter.

Innovative GTA Chapter Event hosted at University of Toronto C-MORE


Innovative approaches and applications to asset management was the theme of this week's GTA Chapter event. Hosted at the University of Toronto's Centre for Maintenance Optimization and Reliability Engineering (C-MORE) participants heard from a number of insightful speakers and received a tour of U of T specialized labs.

Welcome to PEMAC's Quebec chapter!


The Board of Directors of PEMAC is proud to welcome members of it's newest chapter, the PEMAC Quebec chapter. The level of interest of its members and the number of activities already organised demonstrates how important a network for sharing for all those who work in maintenance, reliability, and asset management in Quebec, and in French, is.

PEMAC Board Welcomes the Nova Scotia Chapter

Nova Scotia

The PEMAC Board of Directors welcomes the Nova Scotia Chapter as the most recent centre for Member networking.


Time invested is a big win for member Nigel D’Souza


MMP Instructors Needed

PEMAC is currently seeking individuals who are interested in instructing the Maintenance Management Professional (MMP) program at teaching institutions across the country.PEMAC Instructor Looking thoughtful