City Scape

2.04 Resourcing Strategy

  • BRIDGE: Finding Productivity through Diversity and Inclusion

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2023
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, September 12, 2023
    What if diversity and inclusion were more than what we can physically identify? What if the key to true results from diversity and inclusion initiatives wasn’t ticking boxes to ensure you have met the letter of the law? Lastly, what if diversity applied not just to affirmative action but to how your people and departments work together and the results of that collaboration (or lack thereof)? This presentation will answer these questions and discuss a framework for building a culture that not only is diverse, inclusive, equitable, and inviting but also enables synergy and productivity within your facility. We will discuss the BRIDGE principles and then apply them in a way that enables engineering, asset management, and maintenance to become productive and healthy cultures for all. Lastly, we will provide tools and strategies for empowering employees to speak up and share their ideas. This is not your typical diversity and inclusion discussion that’s generally limited to HR. This is a tool to enable diversity and inclusion from within. Whether you’re a manager or team member, or just starting out in your career, this presentation will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to build a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace.
  • People, Processes, and Technology: How Cameco is Improving How Physical Assets are Managed at its Mining Operations

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Monday, October 3, 2022
    Presentation highlights the importance and interdependency of three pillars of success (people, processes, and technology) and Cameco’s asset management improvement efforts through each of these, including lessons learned. Audience will learn about the importance of organizational change management, business process management and agile methodologies, some of the technologies supporting asset maintenance and reliability, and its new Asset Management & Reliability Center of Excellence.
  • Humans...Assets?

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, May 3, 2022
    Recently there was a lot of discussion on various forums around the term ‘Human Asset’. It was prompted by a paper/presentation made by Dr. Monique Beedles in Australia where she questioned the term and the appropriateness of using it based on the definition of an asset in ISO 55000 – ‘an item, thing, or entity that has value or potential value to the organisation (ISO, 2014)’.There were questions posed on the various forums as to the use of ‘thing’ to describe humans – it’s legal meaning, it’s cultural implications and though most posting felt the term was appropriate, there was definitely a difference of opinion. What wasn’t brought out in most of the discussions was the intent or suitability of the decision to word the definition that way. No-one disagreed with the idea that a human ‘has value or potential value to the organization’ and so rather than argue about the term, I’d like to explore how we could apply the tools and lifecycle approach we use for physical assets, to humans. Let’s walk through the lifecycles and see if we can find how it might apply to humans.Concept Design Acquire Operations and Maintenance Decommission So as I said I won’t address the term ‘human asset’ but hopefully you can see that taking the same approach to ensure that the ‘value or potential value to the organization’ is certainly a good alternative.
  • Impact of Electrification on Long-Term Infrastructure Decision-Making

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Thursday, March 31, 2022
    The energy landscape is shifting with the rise in electrification of transit and the rise of renewable energy shaping a new energy era that is changing the way we think about infrastructure decision making. This presentation will articulate how electrification of transit and an increase in renewables will impact medium and long-term infrastructure planning by providing examples and a practical perspective (case study) to demonstrate how Asset Management decision-making played a vital role in a utility company’s response to this change. This utility company is a key contributor to several electrification initiatives. They recognized the challenge associated with these initiatives and the overall success of the first implementation phase with minimal disruption to current operations. They are also preparing for electrification of the government transit’s first all-electric bus garage to support future procurements of battery-electric buses (eBuses) and will be working on the design and implementation of charging systems infrastructure across the city(?). Over the past 20 years, more than 50 renewable energy systems have been installed on City buildings and properties. In 2020, the city developed recommendations for the utility to achieve greater outcomes for energy efficiency, demand management, and renewable energy. The city also mandated installation of renewable energy systems on all buildings, where feasible, by 2020. The rate of development in electrification and technology in the transit sector is faster than implementation of major infrastructure developments; changes in demand patterns impact everything from the transmission and distribution networks to generation, dispatch and peak-load system capacity design; so it is not possible to “wait and see” before committing to infrastructure investment decisions. This presentation will cover how the utility is dealing with these changes by ensuring an appropriate long-term decision-making framework is in place to assure business continuity and reduce the impact on climate because it poses a particular risk for asset owners and operators. AMCL will present best practices for long-term decision-making and how the impact of change should be taken into account during the development of long-term infrastructure planning processes, in the context of a public utility.
  • The Economics of Bad Parts

    BoK Content Type: 
    Article / Newsletter
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Monday, June 15, 2020
    This article will be discussing the issues and some causes of bad parts.
  • MRO Stores Support of Maintenance

    BoK Content Type: 
    Article / Newsletter
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Thursday, April 2, 2020
    How well is your MRO Stores system integrated with your maintenance requirements to ensure effective support of your organization’s maintenance efforts?Most of MRO stores efforts are to provide parts and materials to both Operations and Maintenance. For this article, the focus will be upon MRO stores support of Maintenance.
  • Outsourcing a Part of Physical Asset Management – How to Decide

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Thursday, December 13, 2018
    Asset-intensive industries have changed radically because of regulatory and technological changes. This has allowed many new investors to enter existing markets and forced established companies to consider new markets for growth. Simultaneously, new technology has levelled the playing field as high efficiency changes economies of scale and market dynamics. To manage their risks and uncertainties associated with new technology, while still focusing on improving profits, many asset owners look to outsourcing part of the physical asset management responsibility to specialized operations and maintenance companies. The owners gain advantages through the transfer of non-core activities to the supplier to reduce costs or to reduce risk. Whatever the rationale for outsourcing, the owner requires a method to evaluate outsourcing options to determine which is right for it, given its own internal capacity and strategy. The decision process must be capable of selecting the right type of service level based on a number of tangible and intangible strategic criteria. This type of multi-faceted decision necessitates process based on a sound theoretical foundation that can compare different options against the critical criteria of lifecycle costs, revenue influences, quality, health and safety, and other key drivers. In this workshop, we’ll look at a case study model using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) as a tool capable of evaluating this type of diverse multi-levelled decision. AHP is simple and straightforward, and uses an easy-to-understand hierarchical structure to sort criteria based on their relative importance.  
  • Establishing a Governance Model to support AM Development

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Thursday, December 13, 2018
    The structural configuration of an organizational design is the way work is divided and how it achieves co-ordination among its various work activities around the assets’ lifecycles. An organizational design structure resolves two basic tasks to get work done: dividing up the work into logical units, which enables performance management, and ensuring the work gets done by providing the co-ordination and control of work. In this webcast we’ll look at four models and discuss their advantages and disadvantages and present suitable information on typical roles and responsibilities that will be reflective of the selected model. The goal of asset management (AM) is to ensure that an organization’s staff is always working on the right activities at the right time, for the right reason, and for right cost. The AM governance model is intended to ensure there is effective collaboration and co-ordination to make this happen around all business processes. With the right AM governance model, overall AM program development can be expedited and new ways of working can be quickly integrated into the organization’s AM culture. We’ll provide the actual results from a number of case studies to demonstrate the value of designing and implementing the most appropriate AM governance model for your organization.