City Scape

3.05 Maintenance Delivery

  • Effectively Communicating Performance Measures

    BoK Content Type: 
    Article / Newsletter
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, May 18, 2021
    Do those that manage the performance, understand the measures?
  • The Importance of Precision Maintenance and How it Greatly Affects IIoT

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2021
    Original date: 
    Friday, April 23, 2021
    Maintenance strategies and practices have evolved. From reactive, preventative, predictive to proactive maintenance – all or parts of them continue to be used in some industries and plants but not all of them work. In fact, some of them, like predictive maintenance failed. CMMS systems have greatly contributed to the evolution of maintenance. It gave us better order & structure. It contains many records including items like a machine's assets condition monitoring (CM) history. However, in most cases, what’s not in it is the initial installation or commissioning report. As an industry, we often overlook the importance of the installation and commissioning report data. In many cases, it’s assumed that the installation was done correctly and that’s why predictive maintenance failed. All the CM data was incorrect because we were working off the wrong benchmark. In our experience, we know that there are still many companies who have not subscribed fully to the precision maintenance philosophy, which is: installing, maintaining and working to a recognized standard. One of the reasons for this was that there wasn’t one until the ANSI Shaft Alignment and Machinery Installation Standard came out in 2017. New technologies like motion amplification cameras are now game changers in revealing how important the machinery installation and precision maintenance as a whole is. Seeing and watching a video broken down at that frequency, showing a machine moving and vibrating excessively allows us to now pinpoint exactly what the issue is. Instead of only a select few who know specific CM technologies, this is a visual that everybody can see and understand that the machine has not been installed correctly. The introduction of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a further step in the evolution of maintenance. In order for us to keep our machine assets running for their full life cycles, the initial precision installation, commissioning and continued precision maintenance practices must be done including the report the machines history before you can begin to collect data for CM analysis. If we don't do this, our maintenance strategy will fail like it did for predictive maintenance. 
  • Dynamic Monitoring & Analysis of Plant Equipment using Near-Real-Time Data

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2021
    Original date: 
    Friday, April 23, 2021
    Through the introduction of online monitoring technologies in the field, including substation monitors capable of providing near-real-time data and readings on power transformers, switchgear and circuit breakers, along with line monitors for overhead conductor and monitors for underground cables, organizations now possess novel opportunities to integrate this data into their asset management frameworks such that decision-making can be enhanced. This presentation will examine recent efforts to develop Asset Performance Management (APM) frameworks, leveraging available near-real-time data that is being retrieved from online monitoring devices. This presentation will touch upon the emerging field of analytics that can be applied to this data, including machine learning techniques, in order to detect specific signatures within the data that can be correlated to specific failure modes. Robust APM frameworks are able to leverage this near-real-time data for the purposes of delivering dynamic health index results based upon the newest readings, as well as operational alerts that can detect possible failures that will occur in the next few weeks or months, providing organizations with enough time to take action. For complex substation assets, an APM solution can allow plant managers to manage and mitigate significant risks within their system. This presentation will also present the results from specific case studies, where near-real-time data from field sensors was successfully leveraged and integrated into an APM such that the organization was able to enhance their risk management and asset management decision-making approaches.
  • Minimizing Risk of Failure Under Constrained Resources: A Case Study with a Municipal Transit Company

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2021
    Original date: 
    Friday, April 23, 2021
    When a defect occurs in a physical asset, it’s often not immediately detectable by operators. In fact, in some cases the defects are not visible to the naked eye. However, from the moment a defect occurs until it is found, there is a risk that the defect will grow in severity, and possibly transition into a failure, resulting in reduced or halted production. At a municipal transit company, the Nondestructive Testing (NDT) team uses specialized equipment to inspect the train tracks and identify the location and severity of any defects. Due to the limited hours during which the team can perform their work, the whole subway system can only be tested once per year. Using their data on train tracks and found defects, we investigate efficient ways to use the NDT team’s fixed resources in order to improve the reliability of the train track system.
  • Strategic Asset Management - An Illustrative Nuclear Case Study

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2021
    Original date: 
    Thursday, April 22, 2021
    This paper describes strategic Asset Management at an Industry level. The illustrative case study reviews the Ontario Nuclear fleet of stations', life cycle planning and then applying simple risk analysis. The situation is illustrative, not to be taken as accurate in any aspect (eg costs, schedule etc). The purpose of this paper is to illustrate a practical example of how Asset Management can be applied at a strategic level, to support strategic planning over a multi-billion dollar, multi-decade program. The situation described is very loosely based on the OPG nuclear refurbishment program, but cannot be directly connected to it since all the information is proprietary and the numbers used are hugely different. The paper outline is expected to follow: • Background • Fleet Asset planning • Project Estimate process • Risk estimate process and review . • Conclusions The above is at a "bird's eye" view, but with enough details to understand the case study and how it pertains to a broader scope of applications. Learning: 1. Asset Management is a strong strategic tool when applied at Facility level. 2. Estimates, though rough at an early stage, can provide managerial information that is adequate for decision making. 3. Risk Management can be simple, but provides huge returns for management decision making.
  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting is Coming – How Will it Affect Asset Managers and How Can They Help?

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2021
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, April 21, 2021
    ESG targets and reporting are becoming increasingly important. Investors and governments around the world are pushing for transparency and ever more rigorous reporting on ESG indicators. It is likely that financial regulators in North America will make ESG reporting mandatory within the next 2 years.  Many components of ESG frameworks affect asset management, and conversely good asset management can help improve an organization’s ESG scores. Think of climate change, pollution, health & safety, risk management, water use and GHG emissions to name a few.  It is therefore crucial for asset managers to understand the current frenzy around ESG reporting. Yet the ESG ecosystem can be quite baffling: there is no single definition of what ESG stands for, or what is “in” or “out”, or what reporting standard to follow.This presentation will shed some light on who does what in the ESG ecosystem, what standards and reporting options are available, and how all this will increasingly affect the way organizations make strategic decisions. Asset management has a big role to play in this context. Many asset managers have been confronted with complex, multi-stakeholder decision-making frameworks for years and are quite adept at aligning various departments to a common set of objectives. The definition of “value” in asset management often already contains many metrics that are now part of ESG reporting. We will explore how robust value frameworks can help organizations reach better decisions and improve their ESG scores – with the guidance of their asset management team!
  • Improving MRO Material Identities Makes All MRO Business Processes Run Better, Faster, and Improves Asset Reliability

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2021
    Original date: 
    Sunday, April 11, 2021
    In a long career implementing and improving SAP SCM business processes in Oil & Gas, Pipelines, Utilities and Transportation companies, the number one consistently observed problem is poorly identified MRO material masters. Material master identity consists of the item descriptions, the manufacturer and manufacturer part number fields and classification data that support material identification. This presentation is meant to raise the profile of the topic and the value lost by not addressing the problem without going into detailed solutions. It is aimed at a general level to all practitioners that make use of maintenance or SCM business processes that use materials.The presentation is software agnostic. These challenges are found in shops running SAP, Oracle, JDE, Maximo or any other business software. It is of value to all businesses that have MRO business processes in their value chain. The concepts presented are original thinking of the presenter and address a business problem that software vendors and business consultancies have given marginal attention to date. Hence, the MaintTrain audience will be introduced to value saving concepts. Topics: • Introduction (discussion applies to asset intensive industry and the MRO materials records used in their supporting business processes) 3 min • Generalized view of the current state and how we arrived here. 7 min • Structured identification taxonomy – standards and why coherence in the structure is important. 10 min • Material master lifecycles are often not considered- beginning, middle, end. 8 min • Conclusions: This is not an insolvable problem or one that necessarily demands another $$$ system implementation. It exists only because it has been invisible. 3 min • Questions? 14 min   Originally presented at MainTrian 2021
  • Discovering Defects: Design for Reliability Programs

    BoK Content Type: 
    Article / Newsletter
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, March 31, 2021
    The cost of an error depends on where you catch it. In DfR programs, the design phase is a good place to start.          Interview with ; Marie Getsug, PMP, CAMA, CMRP, CRL, CPIP | Jacobs | Program Manager            This article was originally published on
  • The Role of the MRO Lifecycle and Advanced Analytics in Making Better Asset Management Decisions

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2021
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, March 30, 2021
    Asset intensive companies continue to rapidly advance their thinking regarding Enterprise Asset Management – including through the influence of connected assets and remote condition monitoring. These advancements, among others, have shifted focus from reactive to predictive maintenance practices based on real time failure data. Yet, despite the direct impact that spare part availability has on timely maintenance and Asset Health, the approach to spare part management has often lagged in asset heavy industries. The disconnect between asset decisions and supporting spare parts (MRO) inventory through the Asset Management Lifecycle contributes to stock outs, obsolescence, and unplanned downtime. The objective of this paper is to introduce the concept of the MRO Lifecycle as a complementary framework to the lifecycle management of assets. And to explore how actions and decisions made at each stage of the MRO Lifecycle correlates and contributes to more robust decisions throughout the Asset Management Lifecycle. The session will also introduce how software solutions are helping uncover and drive improvements in MRO Inventory Management to enhance the quality of Asset Management decisions, encompassing spare parts and the role that availability plays in improving overall Asset Health. Drawing from more than 20 years of industry experience and leveraging examples across sectors such as food & beverage, automotive and mining, Xtivity will share approaches, solutions and results from global industry.
  • Providing Asset Management support in times of COVID

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2021
    Original date: 
    Thursday, March 25, 2021
    2020 was a very different and transformative year for all industries due to the pandemic and mining was not an exception; one of the important challenges for the Kinross’ corporate team was to provide support from the headquarters in Toronto without the capability of travelling to sites; among the different corporate functions, the Maintenance team is responsible for leading the identification; application and effective implementation of practices aiming to the continuous improvement and evolution of Maintenance in order to better position the function globally towards asset management optimization Kinross Gold is a senior gold mining company Headquartered in Toronto with a diverse portfolio of mines and projects in the United States, Brazil, Chile, Ghana, Mauritania, and Russia. The proposed paper and related presentation will explain how the Corporate Maintenance group had to adapt and evolve in order to provide meaningful support to sites in spite of the impossibility of traveling and work side by side with our site based counterparts; in particular the presentation will focus on describing: - Initial failures and struggles in the adaptation process - New streams of support that were developed to overcome the mobilization challenge - How the maintenance corporate changed for good due to the new way of working - The overall performance of the maintenance function globally - The challenges that remains and new barriers expected for the future The proposed paper is simply an effort to share our experiences with the hope that the Asset Management community globally considers these lessons and benefit from them on their own quest for excellence