Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Handbook
BoK Content Type:
Recommended Resources
BoK Content Source:
Practitioner Produced
Original date:
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Written by a Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP) with more than three decades of experience, this resource provides proven planning and scheduling strategies that will take any maintenance organization to the next level of performance. The book resolves common industry frustration with planning and reduces the complexity of scheduling in addition to dealing with reactive maintenance. You will find coverage of estimating labor hours, setting the level of plan detail, creating practical weekly and daily schedules, kitting parts, and more, all designed to increase your workforce without hiring. Much of the text applies the timeless management principles of Dr. W. Edwards Deming and Dr. Peter F. Drucker. You will learn how you can do more proactive work when your hands are full of reactive work. Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Handbook covers: •The business case for the benefit of planning. •Planning principles. •Scheduling principles. •Handling reactive maintenance. •Planning a work order. •Creating a weekly schedule. •Daily scheduling and supervision. •Parts and planners. •The computer CMMS in maintenance. •How planning works with PM, PdM, and projects. •Controlling planning: the best KPIs KPIs for planning and overall maintenance. •Shutdown, turnaround, overhaul, and outage management. •Selling, organizing, analyzing, and auditing planning. Palmers "Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Handbook" is listed a reference for Module 6 of the PEMAC Maintenance Management Professionals (MMP) Program.