City Scape

5.05 Competence Management

  • Lunch and Learn Webcast: Solving the Asset Management Mystery at the Maintenance Execution Level

    BoK Content Type: 
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, July 26, 2023
    An integrated and aligned link between asset management and maintenance management practices is a key value driver for organizations. This session will focus on defining, understanding, and quantifying the value from cascading business improvement initiatives, how asset management, maintenance and reliability decisions at all levels contribute to organizational success and provide takeaways for calculating the impact on organizational performance measures.How does a corporate Asset Management program translate into processes, practices and procedures on the shop floor?Key Take AwaysAsset lifecycle and relationship between AM and M&R (end to end holistic asset management with the emphasis on contributions from lifecycle delivery)How M&R decisions and front-line improvement initiatives contribute to achieving overall organizational goals and objectives.  How is goal alignment to AM program established, managed, and reinforced at the M&R execution level?Measuring and moving the dial on M&R performance indicators and how they contribute to overall organizational key performance indicatorslinks between key asset availability, reliability, maintainability, uptime to SHEER – safety, health, environment, economics, regulatory; PESTLE, ESG)example of increased availability leading to more uptime and thus increased economics; include examples of how improved planning & scheduling can lead to increased availability, how PMO / RCM contribute to increased PdM and thus increased uptime (more online condition-based monitoring while assets are running)example of improved reliability and maintenance practices contributing to easier demonstration and reporting of regulatory complianceTCO, LLC
  • The Third Line of Assurance (Confidence in the Management of Assets)

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    White Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2023
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, September 13, 2023
    You are an asset owner. What confidence should you have that those operating and maintaining your assets are capable and “doing a good job”? With organizations more and more commonly outsourcing their maintenance and operations, and even the management of assets, there must be assurance activities in place, assurance to provide confidence that third parties will deliver what is asked and that their approach is sustainable in the long term. A three-lines-of-assurance approach provides asset owners, operators, and maintainers with layers of audit to assess the effectiveness of risk and control functions. The third line assessment is aligned to the audit and risk function and is for executive or board committees. This presentation will explore case studies where an organization may have benefited or has benefited from third line assurance. The three lines of assurance can be characterized as follows: First Line—how operational managers own and manage their asset risk and maintain effective internal controls; Second Line—how management establishes compliance functions that facilitate and monitor operational practices; and Third Line—expected to provide executive management, audit and risk committees, and governing boards with a means of addressing their responsibilities and accountabilities for meeting their corporate objectives or regulatory requirements. The third line is expected to provide high-level independent assurance on organizational effectiveness. Assurance is a fundamental of asset management; it should provide confidence that assets will fulfil their required purpose. It is hypothesized that, as an industry, we would do well to focus on assurance (giving and receiving) and, more importantly, capability building. Public asset owners in particular should be investing in their organizational capability, and industry should be focused on providing enduring uplift in knowledge and management system improvement. Asset owners cannot separate themselves from their assets and the realization of organizational outcomes. Independent review and advice at the third line should provide the assurance required to give confidence that those operating and maintaining your assets are capable and are “doing a good job.”
  • People, Processes, and Technology: How Cameco is Improving How Physical Assets are Managed at its Mining Operations

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Monday, October 3, 2022
    Presentation highlights the importance and interdependency of three pillars of success (people, processes, and technology) and Cameco’s asset management improvement efforts through each of these, including lessons learned. Audience will learn about the importance of organizational change management, business process management and agile methodologies, some of the technologies supporting asset maintenance and reliability, and its new Asset Management & Reliability Center of Excellence.
  • Human Performance Tools For Individuals

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Thursday, September 1, 2022
  • PEMAC Education = Value for Organizations

    BoK Content Type: 
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Monday, August 22, 2022
    How well maintenance, reliability and asset management is done in organizations impacts the entire business. The consequences of not getting it right range from unsafe workplaces to damaged customer and community relations. Learn how PEMAC's accessible educational opportunities can bring value to organizations through case studies across a variety of industries. Thousands of participants who have a variety of roles within their organizations have taken PEMAC certified courses and have shared their knowledge and skills with their teams. Companies have targeted PEMAC courses to drive excellence in maintenance, reliability and asset management. Taking a one team, one language approach to learning and decision making, organizations benefit from PEMAC education. Join us and learn more.
  • Humans...Assets?

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, May 3, 2022
    Recently there was a lot of discussion on various forums around the term ‘Human Asset’. It was prompted by a paper/presentation made by Dr. Monique Beedles in Australia where she questioned the term and the appropriateness of using it based on the definition of an asset in ISO 55000 – ‘an item, thing, or entity that has value or potential value to the organisation (ISO, 2014)’.There were questions posed on the various forums as to the use of ‘thing’ to describe humans – it’s legal meaning, it’s cultural implications and though most posting felt the term was appropriate, there was definitely a difference of opinion. What wasn’t brought out in most of the discussions was the intent or suitability of the decision to word the definition that way. No-one disagreed with the idea that a human ‘has value or potential value to the organization’ and so rather than argue about the term, I’d like to explore how we could apply the tools and lifecycle approach we use for physical assets, to humans. Let’s walk through the lifecycles and see if we can find how it might apply to humans.Concept Design Acquire Operations and Maintenance Decommission So as I said I won’t address the term ‘human asset’ but hopefully you can see that taking the same approach to ensure that the ‘value or potential value to the organization’ is certainly a good alternative.
  • Turning Strategy into Maintenance Excellence

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Sunday, April 24, 2022
    In service providing organizations, coordinating resources to minimize redundancy, manage cost to serve and combat employee disengagement becomes a differentiator. For larger organizations this can further support streamlined captial and operational investments such as facilities, speciality tooling and training. Within the maintenance industry we project that 35% of our trades persons time is actually on the tools (module 6), this is an alarming statistic that resonates with many professionals. Organizing resources intentionally, creating the customer experience while managing these investments can be achieved in a network strategy.  The network organizes resources between generalists and specialists and capitalizes on placing services that require specialization in labour markets that have depth. Organizing is only part of the equation,  having a comprehensive & fluid S&OP process and a mechanism (ex: a control tower) to bring real time visibility into capacity increases productivity and reduces overall cost to serve. At my organization, we have done just that. Beginning in 2019, we designed a hub and spoke model that would support a long term vision of creating capacity through strategic efficiency. This transformational pivot required considerable foresight, change management and Since the MRO article (page 12) in 2020,  the focus on capturing internal & external demand signals to support the maturity of our capacity and capability (S&OP) planning,  we have been able to grow niche market shares by 300% in under 2 years. THe planning coupled with the increased/real time visbility through our contol tower has supported sustainable growth in an ever shifting economic climate.     
  • Philosophy of Reliable Machinery Installation

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, April 5, 2022
    This presentation is a holistic approach to precision machinery installation. We all know very well that the installation has direct impact on the performance and the operating life of the rotating equipment. In my presentation first I speak about the importance of standardization of the installation procedures based on existing standards such as API, ISO, NORSOK, ASME and ANSI. Second I speak about the importance of trainings in Installation procedures and the culture of teaching and sharing the knowledge among the team members including the suppliers. And finally the importance of documentation. The collection and transfer of data during the installation phase, though Commissioning and Site testing and then handing over the equipment to the Operations. I also provide a suggestion how to improve and optimize the installation work.
  • Canada's Got Talent - But Can We Find It?

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Friday, April 1, 2022
    Canada’s Got Talent –  but can we find it?No this is not an invite to audition for Canada’s new series looking to promote our talent !Think about it - when we watch Canada’s Got Talent how often do we see Singers Dancing and Dancers Singing  Or even worse, Acrobats eating fire while Fire Eaters do tumbles.Never!  - why ?  because when people decide to audition they know what they‘re good at and what skills are required  to be successful. So how do we know we are auditioning, I mean interviewing, skilled and potentially successful Maintenance and Reliability Leaders. How many times have you seen where someone gets hired or promoted into a position of leadership only for them to struggle and sometimes fail. Why does this happen, what went wrong how can we prevent this? We know that they need talents but do we REALLY know which one will allow them to succeed?Let’s take the skilled craftsman (Singer) and make him Maintenance Manager (Dancer)Let’s take the Project Engineer (Acrobat) and make him Reliability Leader (Fire Eater)Join us for this presentation to learn what skills are required to be a Maintenance and Reliability Leader where we guarantee they won’t be the ones you normally think of as being necessary.
  • PEMAC’s Certifications and Your Career

    BoK Content Type: 
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Sunday, March 13, 2022
    Seeing information on PEMAC’s new certifications? Wondering how the new globally accredited CSAM, CPAM, and CTAM compliment the well established MMP and CAMP? and how they fit with the WPiAM CAMA certification? This presentation will clear up the mystery by outlining the ins and outs of - MMP and CAMP knowledge-based certifications - CSAM, CPAM and CTAM competency-based certifications (plus future levels) - WPiAM’s CAMA exam and associated certification - How all these certifications fit together and which one(s) might be right for your career path - Application how-to’s This presentation is envisioned to be coupled with a panel discussion with 3, maybe 4, PEMAC members who can share their career journeys and how their certifications have enabled both advancement and recognition. The specific panel participants will be named if this topic is accepted as a MainTrain presentation.