It’s Not a Shortage of Skilled Labour: How a Shortage of Skilled Supervisors Degrades Assets
BoK Content Type:
Presentation Slides
BoK Content Source:
Practitioner Produced
Original date:
Monday, November 22, 2021
There are many reports of skilled labour shortages affecting organizations ability to sustain assets. However conventional solutions to address the “labour shortage” won’t work, in part because every company has its own unique requirements, and in part because it is solving the wrong problem.The underlying problem is that our front-line leaders – supervisors, foremen, charge hands, etc. – do not have the skills they need to effectively train or lead.When supervisors don’t have the skills to train well, companies compensate by trying to hire the skills, with limited success.Front-line leaders need five core skills: instructing, improving, setting priorities, fostering performance, and listening. The most immediate need is often the skill of instructing. For this, the best solution for most companies is the Job Instruction module from the Training Within Industry program – a proven public-domain program. In a study of 600 companies using this approach, 100% of them saw their training time go down 25%. One client cut their time to get people up to speed by more than 60%.In the world of asset management, better skills for asset managers and their supervisors can achieve significant gains - sometimes seemingly overnight.This talk will provide asset management examples, and some suggestions on how you can get started to fix this.When supervisors have better skills, especially in the area of instructing, you can expect the productivity of your asset management crews to improve rather than degrade over time.