Call for Papers MainTrain 2012

2012 MainTrain events are being held in Toronto, Montreal and Fort McMurray.
Toronto - February 13 - 16th, 2012
Montreal - May - Dates to be announced
Fort McMurray - Fall - Dates to be announced
The conference planning committees are inviting interested parties to submit abstracts or topics for presentations/workshops. Topics of presentations or workshops should be focused on how to help delegates measure maintenance and reliability success, adopt world-class maintenance practices, explore innovate ways to use emerging technologies such as non-destructive testing tools, and how to prove your value to management. Information based on implementation experience is most valuable. Key learning takeaways for participants are expected to be:
How to measure maintenance success;
Prove value to your company CEO;
Lower critical asset management costs; Increase the life cycle of key equipment; Reduce waste with lean maintenance practices; Boost production capacity and reliability; and Improve safety and environmental compliance
Your submission abstract should be a maximum of 200 words and include your biography and photograph and a description of any venues/ conferences where you have presented before. Case studies and interactive sessions will be given priority. Send submissions to