Women In Engineering Webcast (Central Daylight Savings Time)

Sorry Registration for this event ended on June 22nd, 2018 1:00 PM
 Registration is closed for this event

A Conversation on the 30 by 30 Initiative

Join PEMAC for a special webcast​​ panel in celebration of International Women in Engineering Day (INWED)!

INWED is celebrated each year on June 23, and aims to celebrate women in engineering around the globe. The international awareness campaign works to raise awareness of women in engineering and bring attention to the many career opportunities available across a number of industries, by celebrating the outstanding achievements of women engineers from around the world. 

PEMAC is pleased to participate in the celebrations this year by hosting a webcast that features an amazing panel of women in Engineering, who also happen to be PEMAC members. Taking place on Friday, June 22 at 12:00 pm Central Daylight Savings Time, the webcast will feature perspectives from a variety of women in engineering and discuss what a career in engineering means to them. 

We are also pleased to welcome Annette Bergeron, President of Engineers Canada to the webcast. Annette will share insights into the 30 by 30 initiative introduced by Engineers Canada, that aims to increase the representation of women in the engineering field in Canada to 30% by the year 2030. Our panel will share their thoughts on the initiative and describe the variety of opportunities available to women in engineering, and also offer some thoughts on how organizations can attract them.

To register for the insightful webcast click on the registration button. Complete log in details will be shared in your confirmation email. 

his webcast is hosted in partnership with Northern Lakes College. Everyone is welcome to participate. Be sure to spread the word and forward this invitation to others who may be interested.

#INWED18  #RaisingTheBar @INWED1919 

Our Amazing Panelists and Special Guests

Annette Bergeron, MBA, FEC, P.Eng. President-elect Engineers Canada & Principal, Bergeron Consulting
Ms. Bergeron graduated from Queen’s University with a BScH E in Metallurgical Engineering and from York University’s Schulich School of Business with an MBA in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship. She has over three decades of experience in industry, academic administration, engineering and business education, entrepreneurship, and governance. Annette specializes in executive leadership and governance of not-for-profit corporations with experience in both the private and public sector.
Annette was elected as the sixth female president of PEO (2013-2014). She is also Past-President and Chair of Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (2004-2005 and 2010-2011). Annette was recognized in 2013 and 2014 as among the Top 25 Women of Influence across Canada. 

Cindy Snedden, Executive Director at PEMAC  
Cindy graduated from the University of Calgary with a BScE in Mechanical Engineering. She first applied her knowledge for over nine years as an oil and gas production engineer, before moving into a Post-Secondary education and training with a focus on industrial programming for over eleven years. Today, Cindy is the Executive Director of PEMAC, a not-for-profit association that provides global leadership, education and certification in maintenance, reliability and asset management practices. 



Erika Mazza, Engineering Technician at the Regional Municipality of Durham
Erika graduated from the Universidad Nororiental Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho with a degree in Industrial Maintenance Engineering. Today she applies her knowledge at the Region Municipality of Durham. Erika has been developing Preventive Maintenance programs and capturing asset data for Duffin Creek WPCP for the last 9 years. With a background on Industrial Maintenance Engineering, she takes a holistic approach of managing the CMMS beyond the requirements, identifying opportunities for improvement and optimizing maintenance strategies on her site.



Martha Myers, P.Eng., Consultant, Martha Myers Consulting Services
Martha has over 25 years of experience in the petrochemical, chemical and energy industries, with a focus for most of her career on maintenance and reliability. After graduating from engineering at Technical University of Nova Scotia (TUNS), she started her career at Syncrude Canada Ltd in Fort McMurray. She loved working as a Maintenance Engineer, including the day to day challenges, working with the technicians, and management, fixing assets and preventing them from breaking in the future!  Martha also worked for Nova Chemicals near Red Deer for 5 years, as part of a newly formed Reliability Team, where she got her “Reliability Bug”.  In addition she worked for Irving Oil in New Brunswick as a Reliability Engineer and contracting, as well as most recently at BC Hydro, living in Campbell River. Today Martha has returned to her home province of Nova Scotia and is venturing into her own consulting firm. She has had a very satisfying career as an engineer and encourages other women to pursue or continue in the engineering field, especially in the area of maintenance, reliability and asset management.

Susan Lubell P.Eng., MBA, MMP, CAMA, Senior Consultant at Steppe Consulting, and President of PEMAC Board of Directors
Author of "Root Cause Analysis Made Simple – Driving Bottom Line Improvements by Preventing One Failure at a Time", Susan specializes in operational excellence with a strong focus on asset management and reliability strategy, cost effective lean maintenance programs, and continuous improvement. Graduating from Queen's University with a BScE in Chemical Engineering, she brings over 20 years of practical experience to drive asset management, operations and maintenance business decisions and improvement opportunities. Susan currently serves as a National President for the Plant Engineering Maintenance Association of Canada (PEMAC) and teaches for the Maintenance Management Professional (MMP) certification program.

Teri Anderson P.Eng., CAMP, Lead, GIS and Geomatics, ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd.
Teri began her engineering career as a Geomatics Engineer, following her graduation from the University of Calgary with a Master's Degree in Geomatics Engineering. She enjoyed her time developing, implementing and maintaining GNSS and GIS processing software for clients in a number of industries including the oil and gas. Her expertise allows her to maintain and manage pertinent geospatial data while insuring it's quality for distrubution among dependent parties. Today, Teri enjoys using her knowledge of geospatial technologies and data management in her current role as Lead, GIS and Geomatics for ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd., an organization that is dedicated to working with all levels of government and private sector clients to deliver planning and design solutions for transportation, water, land and environmental projects. Teri has also recently completed the PEMAC's in-depth Asset Management Professional program and become a Certified Asset Management Professional.

Moderator: Warren Rodgers, P.Eng, CMRP, Engineering Specialist, Asset Management from Nova Scotia Power will be our moderator for this webcast. Practicing reliability and asset management for over 15 years, Warren was formally trained as a mechanic prior to becomoing an engineer. His passion for reliability and asset management is in the challenges faced to keep equipment running; without the business even knowing his team was there. 


We look forward to your participation on the webcast. To register for the insightful webcast click on the registration button.



June 22nd, 2018 from 12:00 PM to  1:00 PM

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