City Scape

Happy New Year!


Since 2014 the staff, Board of Directors, chapter leadership teams and committee volunteers have been working steadily towards a vision that was described in the strategic plan (see below).

In 2018 we have taken quite a few more steps in the direction of this "Vivid Description"!

Our staff and volunteers have:

  • welcomed the Winnipeg Chapter and are about to launch a Quebec Chapter
  • continued to contribute to the Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management and the World Partners in Asset Management
  • developed a system for accepting and vetting content for our online "Shared Learning Library" which is classified according to the global "Asset Management Landscape" and our "PEMAC Maintenance Framework"
  • built, yet again, on the success of our annual MainTrain conference
  • added a corporate award to our Awards program
  • built stronger relationships especially with the Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (USA), the Asset Management Council (Australia) and the Canadian Network of Asset Managers
  • secured an 80% granted funded offering of the Asset Management Professional program for cross-functional municipal teams from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities
  • achieved over 40,000 hours of engagement (this year alone) with our programs and events
  • reached > 1400 course enrolments 
  • welcomed our 1300th certification recipient
  • added a "Certified Asset Management Assessor" (CAMA) preparation course
  • extended the availability of the CAMA exam to testing centres across Canada
  • increased and improved our social media presence
  • increased the quality and quantity of our participation at events of like-minded organizations

Having come as close as possible to the vision we set our sights on in 2014, we are very much looking forward to the year to come. 2019 will be the year we write a new vivid description with a view to how we would like to be contributing in 2024. One of the first things we'll do in 2019 is to send out a survey to engage our members in setting this new vision. Watch for your opportunity to offer your insights!


Vivid Description from the 2014 strategic plan:

The following statements are intended to be a description of what our desired position will look like in 5 years. The statements articulate what the association hopes to achieve and how it will look and feel to be a part of the vision.

 1. PEMAC has a well-developed Body of Knowledge for asset management linked to our foundation in maintenance and reliability. Our professional members span front line trades through to senior executives and have a common language that transcends silos within our multi-sectored industries' organizational structures.

2. Organizations value PEMAC’s Body of Knowledge and encourage professional development of their employees through participation in its training and certification.

3. PEMAC has an excellent system for engaging stakeholders in the process of creating, challenging, reviewing, validating, and updating the PEMAC Body of Knowledge.

4. PEMAC contributes in an ongoing way to the global Body of Knowledge in asset management.

5. PEMAC has actively engaged members, measured by the number of people participating in conferences, courses, webinars, chapter meetings and voting at the AGM.

6. The framework for the PEMAC Body of Knowledge is publicly available on the website and elaborated upon by published articles, PEMAC courseware, annual conferences, chapter events, the members-only section of the website and discussion groups.

7. PEMAC provides opportunities for members to connect, learn and contribute wherever they might live and work and whatever role they play in the application of maintenance, reliability and asset management practices.

8. PEMAC is internationally recognized for facilitating professional development in maintenance, reliability and asset management for individuals who serve varied roles in their organizations.

9. PEMAC’s certification system is globally recognized and aligned.

10. PEMAC has over 3000 diverse members from a broad range of industry sectors.