Celebrating International Volunteer Day 2024
At PEMAC, our greatest strength is the remarkable individuals who make up our community. In celebration of International Volunteer Day, we asked some of our members to share their volunteer experiences. These interviews highlight the passion, expertise, and dedication they bring to PEMAC, the asset management profession, and their local communities. Through their words, we celebrate the heart of our organization—our people.
A Special Thank You To Our Volunteers
Dear PEMAC community,
On this Volunteer Day, the Board of Directors would like to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to the incredible PEMAC members who generously contribute their time in committees, technical working groups, assisting with events, or offering expertise behind the scenes.
Your dedication, expertise, and hard work are what make PEMAC a great organization. Today, we celebrate you — the selfless and passionate individuals who make our mission possible.
Thank you for being a vital part of PEMAC!
With sincere appreciation,
Nigel D'Souza, President
On behalf of the Board of Directors of PEMAC
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