City Scape

01 Business & Organization Context

  • Enabling Excellence in Asset Management

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2018
    Original date: 
    Friday, March 30, 2018
    In this workshop, you’ll learn to foster an asset management culture within your organization with a focus on methods to form alignment, engagement, and internal championing. Based on the speaker’s experience and lessons learned in establishing and updating a program for large government organizations with diverse and complex portfolios, he’ll present his approach for the City of Mississauga. He’ll provide an overview on how to keep the program organized with large amounts of data and information, while staying committed to a fundamental view of purpose.
  • Increasing Operational Service Levels Using Preventative Maintenance Optimization Strategies: A Case Study of the LINK APM System at Toronto Pearson International Airport

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2018
    Original date: 
    Thursday, March 29, 2018
    In 2017, the LINK Automated People Mover (APM) at Toronto Pearson International Airport transported an average of 24,000 passengers per day — a 20% increase in passenger traffic from 2015, according to a 2017 report by the GTAA. To increase operational service levels, preventative maintenance optimization (PMO) initiatives were undertaken in 2015 and 2016 in co-ordination with the APM owner, manufacturer, and O&M service provider. The initiatives were designed to increase the overall day-to-day operational run-time of the LINK system while maintaining existing levels of safety and reliability. In this workshop, we’ll use the LINK APM system as a case study to discuss the requirements for successful PMO implementation, which include interorganizational communication and co-operation, RCM strategies, and due diligence as it relates to safety-related subsystems and processes. We’ll also offer a blueprint for similar optimization strategies.
  • PM ou PdM - où est l'équilibre ? - 15 octobre 2016

    BoK Content Type: 
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Saturday, October 15, 2016
    PM ou PdM - où est l'équilibre ?- Défaillance dans le cycle de vie- Les différents patron de défaillances (RCM)- Criticité et contexte opérationnel- Les différentes tactiques possibles- Introduction à la courbe PF- Comment choisir la bonne tactique
  • Building the Business Case for Maintenance Improvement

    BoK Content Type: 
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Thursday, March 15, 2018
    While a host of factors influence profitability, maximizing your plant’s production output potential is arguably one of the facility’s greatest opportunities. An Asset Management, Reliability and Maintenance Strategic Plan can guide continuous improvement that’s aligned with bottom-line performance expectations for managing assets and people. This presentation will provide a framework approach for establishing your strategic asset management & reliability plan and the associated business case. Delegates will gain a fundamental understanding of how to establish a baseline: "know where you are," define where you’re going, who needs to be involved, how to measure the program’s progress and results, and what elements are essential for success.
  • Democratizing Predictive Maintenance through the Industrial Internet of Things

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2018
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, February 28, 2018
    With all the talk about big data and the IIoT, many are asking how can we use this in maintenance? The IIoT enables us to put sensors in any location where we might want to collect and analyze equipment condition and performance data. There are companies that offer predictive maintenance services, and some companies do this for themselves, in-house. Typically, it’s the larger companies that can afford this, but democratization has meant this has become available to a much broader market. But there are hurdles to taking advantage of this sort of continuous monitoring program, even for your most critical equipment. One, it’s expensive, whether you do it in-house or outsource. And two, there are data bottlenecks. Condition monitoring data comes is huge volumes and it’s all time-sensitive. Even if you can afford it, you need a data handling network with a lot of capacity. In this workshop, we’ll present a viable technical solution to the data bottleneck problem — based on a solution already proven in financial securities markets — that opens up these possibilities in the realm of plant continuous condition monitoring.
  • Mobile Devices in a Mining Environment - A Case Study

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2017
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, February 14, 2018
    This webcast will highlight Potash’s extensive implementation of mobile devices to support its business processes. Aligned Mobile Applications are now in use or being implemented at Potash’s Allan, Augusta, Aurora, Geismar, Lanigan, Lima, Rocanville & Trinidad sites. Potash has partnered with Viziya to develop a single integrated mobile app to meet its maintenance and supply chain business requirements, and Postash continues to deploy ‘out of the box’ apps from its Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Vendor mobile devices are now a commodity which provide a cost effective way to drive efficiencies. Importantly, apps are available across various platforms; hardware choices do not drive decision making when it comes to selecting the best tools for our business. If you are thinking about implementing a shift to mobile devices on the front lines, this will be a great opportunity to learn from the Potash experience.   Reviewer's comments;  Excellent presentation outlining how Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan has deployed a combination of technologies, enabled on mobile devices (tablets / laptops) integrated fully with their EAM and KPI monitoring systems. Author provides an overview of the situation "before" deployment, through the deployment (which took place over several years) to the "after" or current state. If you want to know what can be done and has been done, this is pretty leading edge stuff and well worth the time to listen.
  • Creating an Asset Management Roadmap Using Process Improvement Methodology: Joint webcast with PEMAC & SMRP

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Monday, January 22, 2018
    Asset Management Roadmaps aren’t always perfect. Often they are a work in progress. In this webcast participants will see the journey that EPCOR Water Services Inc. (EWSI) undertook when developing its Asset Management Roadmap/Framework, and learn that even with challenges along the way, the organization overall ended up with a greater understanding and acceptance of asset management.EWSI’s initial framework, developed in 2011, was closely aligned with BSI PAS 55 and later revised to reflect ISO 55000 standards. Participants will learn more about the organization’s first attempt at a typical management system development process that took place over the next 24 month period, and see how this initial approach was unsuccessful.With lessons learned, the organization revised its approach in 2013, looking at asset management related gaps with EWSI operations and used process improvement methodology to develop procedures and tools to resolve those gaps. One of the major gaps identified was lack of asset management plans. The next year, a pilot project focusing on the 10-Steps of asset management (SIMPLE) was completed.Participants will see how this pilot project demonstrated the start-to-finish development of an asset management plan, and the development and field testing of several standards, procedures and tools that would become part of EWSI’s asset management framework. This approach demonstrated the value of asset management, resulting in greater understanding and acceptance of asset management throughout EWSI.
  • From Horseless Carriages to Cars – Disruptive Influencers and the Importance of Mindset Shift to Implement a Maintenance Management Strategy: A Case Study with JEFFBOAT

    BoK Content Type: 
    Article / Newsletter
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Thursday, January 11, 2018
    Jeffboat is a company with a long history.  Originally named the Howard Steamboat Company, Jeffboat is America’s largest inland ship builder and has been manufacturing ships for over 100 years.  Jeffboat has built such famous ships as the Mississippi Queen, the General Jackson showboat and the Casino Aztar riverboat casino. Like most manufacturing firms, Jeffboat has an enormous amount of equipment stretched out over a shipyard that is over a mile in length that is needed to make its boats.  Also like many old-line manufacturing firms, Jeffboat has both equipment and employees who have been there for several decades. Overall, because of the size of the shipyard and age of the equipment, Jeffboat’s maintenance was used to working in reactive mode.  There was no CMMS software in place and equipment was put into numerous Excel spreadsheets.  In addition, it was often hit or miss whether the right parts were in the stores room and finding the right equipment often took maintenance technicians a significant amount of time.  There was no Scheduler/Planner and maintenance procedures were done informally and based on need at that particular moment.When implementing a maintenance management strategy, a critical component is the resistance to change. Whether it is the introduction of new software or a complete overhaul of the maintenance function, the process of change represents disruptive technology (Christenson, …). According to Christenson, most changes are really improvements on something old and the old paradigms can be used. However, there are changes that organizations need to make that disrupt the dominant paradigm, rather than sustaining it. These are disruptive technologies and make the old things less important or obsolete. The problem with these disruptive changes is that people are still applying the old paradigms to the new realities. They are trying, in a sense, to understand the car as nothing more than a carriage without horses.
  • The most important asset on your CMMS/EAM : People

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2018
    Original date: 
    Friday, January 5, 2018
    Industrial maintenance has evolved from simple repair when it breaks to amazing predictable strategies. With these come the need of handling more data to enable better decision-making and effective work management. Unfortunately, we tend to forget who would feed this data into our sophisticated CMMS: people. Any EAM system is like a racehorse. It can help us to win the race — only if it’s well-fed, cared for, groomed, and trained properly; all these actions are done by people who need to understand how their functions are vital for the health of the horse and for the ultimate goal of winning the race. In asset management, people are very complicated assets, usually performing complex activities as part of a bigger picture, and CMMS/EAM systems are just the tools humans use to perform as intended; therefore, people should always be a priority. In this presentation, we’ll explore the evolution of CMMS and how human reliability is a key component for the success in the implementation and use of any software solution for EAM.Presented at MainTrain 2018
  • Uptime: Strategies for Excellence in Maintenance Management

    BoK Content Type: 
    Recommended Resources
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, July 28, 2015
    Uptime describes the combination of activities that deliver fewer breakdowns, improved productive capacity, lower costs, and better environmental performance. The bestselling second edition of Uptime has been used as a textbook on maintenance management in several postsecondary institutions and by many companies as the model framework for their maintenance management programs.Following in the tradition of its bestselling predecessors, Uptime: Strategies for Excellence in Maintenance Management, Third Edition explains how to deal with increasingly complex technologies, such as mobile and cloud computing, to support maintenance departments and set the stage for compliance with international standards for asset management.This updated edition reflects a far broader and deeper wealth of experience and knowledge. In addition, it restructures its previous model of excellence slightly to align what must be done more closely with how to do it.The book provides a strategy for developing and executing improvement plans that work well with the new values prevalent in today's workforce. It also explains how you can use seemingly competing improvement tools to complement and enhance each other.This edition also highlights action you can take to compensate for the gradual loss of skills in the current workforce as "baby boomers" retire. This is the Text Book for Module 1 of the MMP Program.    It is available through PEMAC, contact for information on ordering.