Principles of Maintenance Planning & Scheduling
BoK Content Type:
Presentation Slides
Presentation Paper
BoK Content Source:
MainTrain 2021
Original date:
Friday, March 19, 2021
Maintenance planning should provide a huge bump in our work order completion rates. Yet most companies find that planning simply provides a lot of frustration. Six principles of planning and six principles of scheduling plus a consideration of reactive work help us successfully make planning into a best practice with obviously great results. These principles involve protecting planners to run a Deming cycle to make “better” plans over the years instead of perfect plans now and starting maintenance crews with fully loaded, weekly schedules that they are allowed to break. We can also plan some of the reactive work if we don’t have to be perfect and never tell supervisors to wait. These concepts are at odds with traditional approaches of procedures-driven-maintenance, high schedule compliance, and letting reactive work bypass planning altogether. But they make our companies wildly successful in draining huge outstanding backlogs of proactive work.