City Scape

7.4 Roles & Responsibilities

  • Lunch and Learn Webcast: An Improvement Journey: From Informal Practices to Structured Maintenance

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, November 7, 2023
    This presentation is a case study on the Maintenance Journey for the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board guiding participants through the transformation of the school board's maintenance department which originally consisted of an informal program focussed on breakdown maintenance and reactive work, and to the current state of a formal maintenance program.The journey includes leveraging resources to baseline maturity and establish focus areas for evolving practices and adding structure. I will speak about specific initiatives completed and are in process which have established the organisation's programs, engagement, clarity, and purpose. It's a good news story which will also share how the tools and practices inherently part of the PEMAC community and body of knowledge have assisted in modernizing this team and organisation.
  • Why Turnarounds are the Middle Finger of Asset Management

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2023
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, September 12, 2023
    This presentation provides insight and guidance to key stakeholders, from leadership to shop floor, on why turnaround alignment is important. We will also explore the major causes of gaps and misalignment, including lack of understanding of the complexity of turnaround projects; integration of maintenance, operations, inspection, and capital work that occurs during a turnaround event; different perspectives of typical work vs. turnaround work; managing stakeholders’ focus on urgent vs. important; awareness of strategy and plans; and understanding of the true business impact of a turnaround. It’s important that all participants and stakeholders understand these alignment issues and implement measures to close the gaps early in their project. This will pay off exponentially when you execute your turnaround event.
  • People, Processes, and Technology: How Cameco is Improving How Physical Assets are Managed at its Mining Operations

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Monday, October 3, 2022
    Presentation highlights the importance and interdependency of three pillars of success (people, processes, and technology) and Cameco’s asset management improvement efforts through each of these, including lessons learned. Audience will learn about the importance of organizational change management, business process management and agile methodologies, some of the technologies supporting asset maintenance and reliability, and its new Asset Management & Reliability Center of Excellence.
  • PEMAC Education = Value for Organizations

    BoK Content Type: 
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Monday, August 22, 2022
    How well maintenance, reliability and asset management is done in organizations impacts the entire business. The consequences of not getting it right range from unsafe workplaces to damaged customer and community relations. Learn how PEMAC's accessible educational opportunities can bring value to organizations through case studies across a variety of industries. Thousands of participants who have a variety of roles within their organizations have taken PEMAC certified courses and have shared their knowledge and skills with their teams. Companies have targeted PEMAC courses to drive excellence in maintenance, reliability and asset management. Taking a one team, one language approach to learning and decision making, organizations benefit from PEMAC education. Join us and learn more.
  • Maintenance Work Management for an Aging Facility

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, July 6, 2022
    Imagine your production facility as a 1950s pickup truck. It’s functional, but a lack of available parts, new regulatory standards, and an absence of modern sensors and electronics make diagnosing problems and improving performance difficult. Commissioned in 1954, Sherritt International Corporation faces many challenges characteristic of a classic car—challenges that not only include equipment lifecycles, but also human resources, software, workflows, and asset obsolescence. This case study will review the training, business process transformation projects, organizational design changes, and continuous improvement initiatives that Sherritt is implementing to modernize their work management processes. See how optimization of these processes have helped address the challenges presented by an aging site, and learn how projects were prioritized, which initiatives helped build organizational capability and improve performance, and what wasn’t worth the effort.
  • Humans...Assets?

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, May 3, 2022
    Recently there was a lot of discussion on various forums around the term ‘Human Asset’. It was prompted by a paper/presentation made by Dr. Monique Beedles in Australia where she questioned the term and the appropriateness of using it based on the definition of an asset in ISO 55000 – ‘an item, thing, or entity that has value or potential value to the organisation (ISO, 2014)’.There were questions posed on the various forums as to the use of ‘thing’ to describe humans – it’s legal meaning, it’s cultural implications and though most posting felt the term was appropriate, there was definitely a difference of opinion. What wasn’t brought out in most of the discussions was the intent or suitability of the decision to word the definition that way. No-one disagreed with the idea that a human ‘has value or potential value to the organization’ and so rather than argue about the term, I’d like to explore how we could apply the tools and lifecycle approach we use for physical assets, to humans. Let’s walk through the lifecycles and see if we can find how it might apply to humans.Concept Design Acquire Operations and Maintenance Decommission So as I said I won’t address the term ‘human asset’ but hopefully you can see that taking the same approach to ensure that the ‘value or potential value to the organization’ is certainly a good alternative.
  • Canada's Got Talent - But Can We Find It?

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Friday, April 1, 2022
    Canada’s Got Talent –  but can we find it?No this is not an invite to audition for Canada’s new series looking to promote our talent !Think about it - when we watch Canada’s Got Talent how often do we see Singers Dancing and Dancers Singing  Or even worse, Acrobats eating fire while Fire Eaters do tumbles.Never!  - why ?  because when people decide to audition they know what they‘re good at and what skills are required  to be successful. So how do we know we are auditioning, I mean interviewing, skilled and potentially successful Maintenance and Reliability Leaders. How many times have you seen where someone gets hired or promoted into a position of leadership only for them to struggle and sometimes fail. Why does this happen, what went wrong how can we prevent this? We know that they need talents but do we REALLY know which one will allow them to succeed?Let’s take the skilled craftsman (Singer) and make him Maintenance Manager (Dancer)Let’s take the Project Engineer (Acrobat) and make him Reliability Leader (Fire Eater)Join us for this presentation to learn what skills are required to be a Maintenance and Reliability Leader where we guarantee they won’t be the ones you normally think of as being necessary.
  • It’s Not a Shortage of Skilled Labour: How a Shortage of Skilled Supervisors Degrades Assets

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Monday, November 22, 2021
    There are many reports of skilled labour shortages affecting organizations ability to sustain assets. However conventional solutions to address the “labour shortage” won’t work, in part because every company has its own unique requirements, and in part because it is solving the wrong problem.The underlying problem is that our front-line leaders – supervisors, foremen, charge hands, etc. – do not have the skills they need to effectively train or lead.When supervisors don’t have the skills to train well, companies compensate by trying to hire the skills, with limited success.Front-line leaders need five core skills: instructing, improving, setting priorities, fostering performance, and listening. The most immediate need is often the skill of instructing. For this, the best solution for most companies is the Job Instruction module from the Training Within Industry program – a proven public-domain program. In a study of 600 companies using this approach, 100% of them saw their training time go down 25%. One client cut their time to get people up to speed by more than 60%.In the world of asset management, better skills for asset managers and their supervisors can achieve significant gains - sometimes seemingly overnight.This talk will provide asset management examples, and some suggestions on how you can get started to fix this.When supervisors have better skills, especially in the area of instructing, you can expect the productivity of your asset management crews to improve rather than degrade over time.
  • Effectively Communicating Performance Measures

    BoK Content Type: 
    Article / Newsletter
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, May 18, 2021
    Do those that manage the performance, understand the measures?
  • Maintenance Must Win Battles 

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2021
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, March 16, 2021
    Equipment Reliability has been a hot topic for years, yet many companies struggle to achieve this goal. This presentation is about maintenance fundamentals and how they affect equipment reliability. The maintenance department will always have lots of priorities on the plate, however in order to deliver equipment reliability there are some basics maintenance battles that must be won. These are not hard battles, they’re not even expensive, however they take some time and a great deal of commitment. These battles are key ingredients that can move the reliability needle in the right direction. The presentation looks at the critical battles all maintenance departments must win. Here are 6 of the simple but well-known categories that will examined during the presentation. 1. Spare Part Storage – Storeroom organization is often overlooked mostly because of the shear amount of work needed to create functional spare parts system. We will look at storeroom best practices and an organizational step by step approach to world class storerooms. 2. Area Improvement Boards – AIBs provided a comprehensive communication tool between operators and maintenance. In this discussion find out this tool can improve equipment reliability in a very simplistic format. 3. Lubrication Standards – Lubrication of the equipment is without a doubt one of the most critical issues of equipment reliability. The need for lubrication has been the single most enduring aspect of maintenance since the industrial revolution. In this critical battle we will look at best practices in lubrication storage and application. 4. Work Order Management - From the time a work order is created until it is populated and closed in a CMMS is a critical to getting work done and recorded. This section of the presentation will explain how to create a work order flow diagram where everyone knows their responsibility the work order flow process as will as best practices for planning and scheduling work orders. 5. Workshop Organization – Maintenance is a professional occupation however we don’t always look that way. See how 5s projects can create a professional looking and functional maintenance area and keep it that way. 6. Maintenance Cultural Change – Maintenance practices and technology are changing quickly. We must prepare and help our maintenance people adapt to changes in how we do things and get their buy in to improve reliability. It is not a complicated process and we will discuss how to help them make the transition.