City Scape

9.0 Information Management General

  • Dynamic Monitoring & Analysis of Plant Equipment using Near-Real-Time Data

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2021
    Original date: 
    Friday, April 23, 2021
    Through the introduction of online monitoring technologies in the field, including substation monitors capable of providing near-real-time data and readings on power transformers, switchgear and circuit breakers, along with line monitors for overhead conductor and monitors for underground cables, organizations now possess novel opportunities to integrate this data into their asset management frameworks such that decision-making can be enhanced. This presentation will examine recent efforts to develop Asset Performance Management (APM) frameworks, leveraging available near-real-time data that is being retrieved from online monitoring devices. This presentation will touch upon the emerging field of analytics that can be applied to this data, including machine learning techniques, in order to detect specific signatures within the data that can be correlated to specific failure modes. Robust APM frameworks are able to leverage this near-real-time data for the purposes of delivering dynamic health index results based upon the newest readings, as well as operational alerts that can detect possible failures that will occur in the next few weeks or months, providing organizations with enough time to take action. For complex substation assets, an APM solution can allow plant managers to manage and mitigate significant risks within their system. This presentation will also present the results from specific case studies, where near-real-time data from field sensors was successfully leveraged and integrated into an APM such that the organization was able to enhance their risk management and asset management decision-making approaches.
  • Simplifying Data to Enable Better Decision Making

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2021
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, March 31, 2021
    Often organisations are conflicted on where to direct capital and resources, given constant request and competing priorities requiring resources and money, many initiatives and maintenance activities are deferred or cancelled all together in order to meet the constraints of budget and available capability expectations. How do you know if the allocation of your money/capital and resources are being directed to the areas of greatest need and also delivering greatest value? How do you evaluate value? A deep dive into capital and resource allocation may uncover wasted effort where valuable resources have been allocated to initiatives and activities that are not as value add as some activity that has been deferred or cancelled. These decisions are often made with little or no consideration of the vast amount of information being held within the company’s CMMS. Every initiative and job can be justified but is it the best use of time and money? What data do you use to decide where best to allocate your valuable money and resources? I will share the principles behind real life examples of where failure data has been sorted to demonstrate both micro and macro impacts on a business bottom line, allowing for managers to make better decisions on resource allocation, and decisions that will deliver high value outcomes for the business. These decisions were made using information freely available, but largely ignored, within the CMMS. The information was sorted into failure modes/types and overall cost of unreliability and presented in the form of a pareto chart. When organised in this simple manner the data clearly identifies areas requiring attention that have significant impact on the business performance, and also leading to reduced wasted effort on jobs that are less important. This approach also removes some of the countless debate over the order of priority when people within the organisation feel they are competing for the limited resources up for grabs, instead allowing people to focus on what is best for the overall organisation and not just their patch.
  • Asset Performance and Health Monitoring

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2021
    Original date: 
    Monday, March 22, 2021
    The Northwest Territories has 33 geographically dispersed communities, many of which are not grid connected for community power supply. The majority are powered by small, local diesel plants with others supplied by three hydro systems which generate the majority of the total power produced annually by the Northwest Territories Power Corporation (NTPC). This paper will describe how the condition of these assets is assessed and monitored, the process used and how the results form part of the annual capital planning and implementation process. Asset management at NTPC is divided into Thermal, Hydro and Transmission and Distribution; the focus of this paper will be primarily on thermal and hydro asset health inspections. On an annual basis, one third of the assets are inspected in person by the relevant asset manager and a small team of subject matter experts. The process by which these inspections are conducted will be outlined, including what information is gathered, and what we look for when carrying out the inspections. The asset condition information for various component parts is entered into one spreadsheet for each asset. The paper will describe how an asset health index for that asset is assigned. The condition of the asset determines what further action or inspections are required and the criteria used will be discussed. The presentation will also outline how the results from the inspections are used as part of a project prioritization process for capital planning. Current reporting practices on individual asset health indices and for each power plant will be described. In discussing this topic, NTPC sees an opportunity to receive feedback from others and to promote discussion on best practice from other power utility companies.
  • Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Handbook

    BoK Content Type: 
    Recommended Resources
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, January 27, 2021
    Written by a Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP) with more than three decades of experience, this resource provides proven planning and scheduling strategies that will take any maintenance organization to the next level of performance. The book resolves common industry frustration with planning and reduces the complexity of scheduling in addition to dealing with reactive maintenance. You will find coverage of estimating labor hours, setting the level of plan detail, creating practical weekly and daily schedules, kitting parts, and more, all designed to increase your workforce without hiring. Much of the text applies the timeless management principles of Dr. W. Edwards Deming and Dr. Peter F. Drucker. You will learn how you can do more proactive work when your hands are full of reactive work.  Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Handbook covers:   •The business case for the benefit of planning.   •Planning principles.   •Scheduling principles.   •Handling reactive maintenance.   •Planning a work order.   •Creating a weekly schedule.   •Daily scheduling and supervision.   •Parts and planners.   •The computer CMMS in maintenance.   •How planning works with PM, PdM, and projects.   •Controlling planning: the best KPIs KPIs for planning and overall maintenance.   •Shutdown, turnaround, overhaul, and outage management.   •Selling, organizing, analyzing, and auditing planning.           Palmers "Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Handbook" is listed a reference for Module 6 of the PEMAC  Maintenance Management Professionals (MMP) Program.
  • The GFMAM Maintenance Framework

    BoK Content Type: 
    Recommended Resources
    BoK Content Source: 
    PEMAC Endorsed
    Original date: 
    Monday, February 1, 2016
    The Maintenance management Framework is intended to be used by members of the GFMAM, the Maintenance and Asset Management communities to:   Provide an overview of the discipline of maintenance management;   Provide a structure for the building of a body of knowledge for certification schemes and qualifications in maintenance management;   Provide a structure (and potentially the criteria) for assessing an organization’s maturity in maintenance management;   Provide information for maintenance management knowledge requirements for assessors and auditors;    Provide the capability to compare the products and services of the different GFMAM members related to maintenance management; andProvide a reference for future GFMAM projects.
  • Asset Knowledge Primacy - AB Chapter Online Symposium (Part 6 of 7)

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Thursday, May 28, 2020
    Not all asset information is equal. Asset owning organizations benefit from having the right information at the right time. Asset knowledge primacy, an imperative to deliver operational excellence throughout the asset lifecycle. What is asset knowledge primacy? As the asset is developed and matures, stakeholders must calibrate data collection and exchange while curating fit-for-purpose asset information. Consistent thought-in-action leads to precision timing, relevance, and accuracy of information delivery. Successful asset knowledge capture is rarely accomplished efficiently or effectively. This doesn’t have to be so. In this presentation Chris Murphy will share an approach to provide asynchronous asset information delivery to best serve the life of the asset and support the organization to deliver value from the assets.
  • Maximizing the Effectiveness of Your Computerized Maintenance Management Software

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2020
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, May 20, 2020
    Too often we hear the struggle of not being able to get the information that is required out of the system. It's like the data has disappeared into a big black hole. Maintenance Staff get frustrated in having to feed a system that is difficult to use and time consuming for what is perceived as little or no benefit. This discussion details what a CMMS can do and how best to realize the benefits from using a CMMS. There are a number of critical success factors in managing your CMMS including:• Organization policies and objectives• staff turnover• training• reduced staffing• database review audits• outdated software
  • Using Digital Transformation in Asset Health to Drive Real Time Decision Support and Reduced Maintenance

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2020
    Original date: 
    Monday, May 11, 2020
    Asset management processes are becoming more widely adopted across industrial facilities. In this presentation, we’ll examine an essential aspect of the overall process—asset health—to understand the value of using data-centric models and how asset health enables fact-based decision-making at the asset and asset class levels across the enterprise. As a part of Intelligent Operations—a new approach to achieve Operational Excellence—asset health today uses digital transformation to optimize production, minimize equipment downtime, enhance human performance, and manage operational risks. We’ll examine the key asset-related aspects of Intelligent Operations and explore an asset health strategy based on the principles of interoperability and real-time decision support. Outcomes supported include reduced maintenance costs, enhanced asset availability, changes to predictive repair and capital replacement strategies, improved production, and reduced risk.
  • Machine Learning Approaches to Take Your Asset Management Strategies to the Next Level

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2020
    Original date: 
    Friday, May 8, 2020
    In our increasingly digitized and networked environment, the expectations for excellence in asset management are ever growing. While an abundance of maintenance and sensor data have become available, companies must develop the proper application of the data in their maintenance strategies. In this presentation, we’ll discuss the potential of your operational and maintenance data in the context of asset management, and explore different machine learning (ML) algorithms and how they may be leveraged to unleash hidden patterns in your asset management strategies. We’ll introduce some foundational topics required for ML, such as the taxonomy and data preparation steps critical to all ML approaches, the probability and statistics supporting ML, and how the evaluation of the quality of our models. C-MORE has actively applied machine ML methods to interesting real-world problems, such as the categorization of power generation units according to reliability characteristics, and anomaly detection in linear assets to optimize required maintenance actions. We’ll share a few of our case studies so participants can experience how ML methods can be used in maintenance, reliability and operations.
  • Working from home? Leverage this time to analyze and improve your maintenance data! Part 3 of a 5 part round table series on COVID-19 response.

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    Practitioner Produced
    Original date: 
    Thursday, April 30, 2020
    With many people at home either due to the closure of their operations, self-isolation protocols, or as a proactive measure to reduce non-essential staff on site, some might question how these individuals can be productive, particularly when assets are not operating. However, if employees have access to their CMMS/EAM/ERP data systems from home, here are some value-added activities that employees and employers should consider undertaking given the time they now have. Note these are in no particular order as priorities would be context-specific, and specific procedures are omitted for this same reason.