City Scape

Webinar Presenter Team

Volunteer Role Description Posting Number: 

This is an opportunity for members likely at mid- to later career levels to share their knowledge and experience with others in the field by developing and presenting a webinar (lunch and learn webinar). We are looking for participants to share real-life experiences in the application of Asset and Maintenance Management principles. These industry learning experiences are being supported by PEMAC's Shared Learning Library in order to increase member's involvement in knowledge development

In addition to the offerings at MainTrain, these presentations will enhance PEMAC's knowledge-sharing and will be presented approximately 6-times per year.

Each presentation will be approximately 1-hour in length and be on Asset or Maintenance Management topics of the presenter's choice. Initially, they will submit a biography and brief outline of their topic for review and vetting by the Shared Learning Library team. If approved, the presenter will be expected to develop a 40-45 minute presentation and work with the Shared Learning Library and Events Coordinator to schedule the webcast. 


  • Complete any volunteer engagement steps as required
  • Attend an orientation to the role
  • Develop outline, personal bio and potentially a presentation for submission
  • If approved, develop 45-minute presentation and slide deck
  • Present via PEMAC 'Lunch and Learn' webcast
  • Submit CPD hours for the total sum of all activities from orientation-presentation completion post-presentation
  • Complete an assignment review post-presentation
  • Attend webinar team meetings as needed



  • You are passionate about Asset and/or Maintenance management and are aware of current trends and discussions in the professions
  • You have technical knowledge of Maintenance, Reliability and Asset Management
  • You have first hand experience in the field and have gained knowledge/insight that might help others
  • You can select and structure information to create an understandable and engaging narrative
  • Able to communicate ideas in a clear way
  • You are highly organized and prepared to present

Examples of Subjects of interest include, but are certainly not limited to:



Asset management Subjects (GFMAM Landscape Subject)

  • Strategy & Planning:
    • Asset Management Program Sustainability development
    • How Corporate Asset Management strategy is developed to include  the areas of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG).
  • Asset Management decision Making
  • Risk & Review Subjects
    • Management of Change
    • Sustainable Development
  • Lifecycle delivery Subjects
    • Asset Creation and Acquisition
    • Asset Decommissioning and Disposal
  • Organization and People Subjects


Maintenance Management Subject (PEMAC Maintenance Management Framework Subject)

  • Tools and Tactics
  • Information Management
  • Human Resource Management
    • Training and retention of personnel
  • Material Resource Management
  • Continuous Improvement
    • Maintenance Practices Improvements


Presentations on other Asset Management or Maintenance Management subject areas are welcome.

Projected Start Date: 
Sunday, January 1, 2023
Type of Volunteer: 
Committee Support
Length of Engagement: 
Micro: A number of hours
Time commitment: 
Each presentation is a one-off: 1 hour for presentation + development of proposal/bio and practice time/preparation
Name of Committee, Chapter or Project this role is related to: 
Shared Learning Library Team
How does the role contribute to PEMAC's strategic goals and objectives?: 
A: Expand our offerings in maintenance and reliability management B: Raise awareness for the professional field of asset management C: Grow the capacity of PEMAC to support our vision D: Broaden community engagement through “connect, learn and contribute”
Objective of the position: 
  • To provide a wider variety of information on Asset and Maintenance Management subjects to members
  • To give members a chance to present information outside of the MainTrain conference
  • To maintain regular communication opportunities with the membership
Appropriate for entry-level volunteers?: 
Benefits of Participation: 
  • CPD Hours
  • Self development in a speaking role
  • Networking with other members
  • Gaining deeper knowledge and insight within the field
  • Increasing reputation within the organization and in the field
Resume required?: 