World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM)

PEMAC is a founding member of the "World Partners in Asset Management" (WPiAM) enabling individuals and organizations to develop, assess and recognize competence in Asset Management. This effort began with the development of the CAMA certification which is now available in several languages in many countries. Further work on a global, laddered certification scheme followed with the release of the CTAM, CPAM and CSAM certification scheme.
Other members of the World Partners include the Asset Management Council (Australia), the Gulf Society for Maintenance and Reliability (GSMR), Japan Association of Asset Management (JAAM), ABRAMAN (Brazil), Southern African Asset Management Association (SAAMA).
Two members of the PEMAC Board of Directors represent PEAMC at WPiAM member meetings. PEMAC's immediate Past-President, Susan Lubell, currently serves as the Chair of the WPiAM's Board of Directors.
Learn about the PEMAC members who participate on the WPiAM Technical Team.
Visit the WPiAM website.