City Scape

Board of Directors

  • Board of Directors 2021 Election - Results

    Thank you to all of the members who participated in this year's Board of Director's election. Final voter turnout in the election was 24.7%.  Here's how that stacks up compared to recent performance:

  • PEMAC Board of Directors Meet to Discuss Strategic Plan

    Members of the PEMAC Asset Management Association of Canada came from across Canada to meet in Toronto, Ontario, for their bi-annual face to face meeting this past Sunday. 

  • News from the AGM

    At the Annual General Meeting held on November 23rd, 2019 the PEMAC Board of Directors presented an overview of its 2020-2024 Strategic Plan.

    The plan includes new vision statement.

    Canadian leaders in Asset Management

  • Board of Directors 2019 Election - Results

    Thank you to all of the members who participated in this year's Board of Director's election. Final voter turnout in the election was 15.9%.  Here's how that stacks up compared to recent performance:

  • World Partners in Asset Management Logo

    More detail on the WPiAM vision for Globally Recognized Credentials released


    As a follow-up to last week's news release, a paper that outlines the framework for globally aligned asset management credentials has now been published on the Wold Partners in Asset Management website.

  • Welcome to PEMAC's Quebec chapter!


    The Board of Directors of PEMAC is proud to welcome members of it's newest chapter, the PEMAC Quebec chapter. The level of interest of its members and the number of activities already organised demonstrates how important a network for sharing for all those who work in maintenance, reliability, and asset management in Quebec, and in French, is.

  • Bienvenue au réseau québécois de PEMAC!


    Le conseil d’administration de PEMAC est fier de souhaiter la bienvenue aux membres de son nouvel réseau, soit le réseau québécois de PEMAC.

  • PEMAC Board Welcomes the Nova Scotia Chapter

    Nova Scotia

    The PEMAC Board of Directors welcomes the Nova Scotia Chapter as the most recent centre for Member networking.


  • PEMAC Board of Directors Election Results

    The election results are in!

    20% of the members participated in the election, 7% more than last year. This means that for the first time we have reached our participation goal, a great step forward for the continued vigour of our association. Thank you to all who participated to contribute to this result.

    The candidates elected are:

  • Board of Directors 2018 Election - Call for Nominations


    Are you passionate about the maintenance and asset management profession?

    Do you have opinions to share about how to extend or improve the impact of PEMAC?

    Are you willing to work as part of a team to contribute to the achievement of the PEMAC vision and mission?