City Scape


  • Programme de Certification MMP & AMP : Séance d'Info Gratuite

    Équipez vos gestionnaires de maintenance et d’actifs avec les outils dont ils ont besoin pour réussir.

  • Recognition of the PEMAC AMP Program

    Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM) has undertaken to identify Asset Management training providers to its membership base and through this initiative has recognized the PEMAC Asset Management Professional program. Information about approved CNAM programs can be found on their "Asset Management Training" page

  • World Partners in Asset Management

    Upcoming CAMA Exams - Certified Asset Management Assessor

    There are currently 3 Canadian sittings of the Certified Asset Management Assessor (CAMA) exam scheduled for Fall 2016 - two will be held in Calgary and one in Toronto in conjunction with MainTrain 2016. To learn more about the exam or to register for one of these sittings visit

  • Fall Registration Now Open for MMP & AMP Certification Programs

    PEMAC is proud to offer two aligned programs of study designed to develop an applied understanding of asset management: the Maintenance Management Professional and the Asset Management Professional certifications. Both lead to professional designations for the participants and increased capability to deliver business outcomes for the organizations they serve.

  • Learn new ways of thinking with the Maintenance Management Professional Certificate

    The world’s leading maintenance management professional, Albert Einstein said, ”We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Learn new ways of thinking with the Maintenance Management Professional Certificate, developed by PEMAC, delivered by LIVE online by Northern Lakes College. 

  • Asset Management Professional Spring Courses Starting

    Still time to Register - Courses for PEMAC's Asset Management Professional Certificate program begin the first week of May. If you haven't already registered there is still time. Don't delay. 

  • MMP & AMP Info Session: January 20, 2016

    PEMAC and Northern Lakes College are hosting an information session that will introduce you to the Asset Management & Maintenance Management certificate programs on January 20, 2016 at 12:00 pm Mountain time. Click here to learn more and 

  • MMP and AMP Fall Schedules Now Available

    PEMAC is pleased to share that the fall schedules are now available for the Maintenance Management Professional (MMP) and Asset Management Professional (AMP) certificate programs. We invite you to learn more about these programs of study that are designed to develop an applied understanding of asset management.

  • Maintenance Management Professional Certificate (MMP) and Asset Management Professional (AMP) Complimentary Information Session

    The Maintenance Management Professional (MMP) and Asset Management Professional (AMP) Certificates are developed and authorized by the Plant and Engineering Maintenance Association of Canada (PEMAC), and both lead to professional designations. The courses the MMP Certification Program consists of eight modules and the AMP Certification Program consists of 6 modules .

  • Northern College Certificate Presentations

    We were very happy to recieve the following photos showing a few of the recent recipients of MMP Certification from Northern College in Timmins, Ontario.