City Scape


  • Member Spotlight: Lana Delic, MMP

    Lana came into a maintenance management role from an unexpected direction. She spent most of her career in progressively responsible administrative positions, at one point owning and operating her own business.

    Employer: Greater Toronto Airport Authority
    Job Title: Tenant Airline Representative

  • Online Payment Now Available

    Online payment is now available for Individual Memberships and Conference Registration.

    Use the 'Login' link on the black menu to access the secure side of the website.

  • AGM Rescheduled to December 3rd, 2011

    The Annual General Meeting of the Plant Engineering and Maintenance Association of Canada will take place at the Novotel Toronto Centre, 45 The Esplanade, Toronto ON M5E 1W2 at 10:30 am. EST, Saturday on December 3rd , 2011 in the Bourgogne Room.  You also have the option to attend via a live, on-line stream, but this alternative is limited to 50 members.

  • Member Spotlight: Brent Corey, MMP

    Brent has spent most of his career - over 30 years so far - in the pulp and paper industry where he achieved 3rd Class Power Engineering certification. He also achieved Journeyman Machinist status and now a "Maintenance Management Professional" designation having recently completed the PEMAC MMP program at British Columbia Institute of Technology.

  • Member Spotlight: Bejoy Mathew, P.Eng, MMP

    Bejoy has worked in the maintenance, planning and reliability field since graduating from Mechanical Engineering in 1990. He came to Canada 5 years ago and has worked for Suncor ever since. "I enjoy my job and my company. I like putting good plans to the execution team to ensure projects go well."