City Scape

Executive Director Report

Norm Clegg Photo

Looking back at 2011

2011 was a challenging year for PEMAC, but one that saw significant growth and improvement in most areas – membership, joining a global society, global recognition of our education and certification program, increasing the number of teaching institutions in the MMP program, bringing to three the universities offering MMP, developing and producing three MainTrain events in a thirteen month period – Fort McMurray, Toronto and Edmonton and designing new websites for and which now can be managed by PEMAC personnel.

We implemented a new information system – Avectra/NetForum CRM (customer resource management) - and know firsthand the joys and pain our members experience with CMMS and EAM implementations. 

We experienced a Canada Revenue Audit and review of our not for profit corporate status. A result of the audit and CRA recommendations, we changed our Accounting /Bookkeeping service that allows us to continue to meet best financial business practices.

PEMAC was invited to join the GFMAM (Global Forum for Maintenance and Asset Management). Our membership was sponsored by Tim Goshert at SMRP (Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals) and was accepted in May 2011. Cindy Snedden, MMP Program Director attended the meetings in Australia, and was joined by our second representative Chris Yexley FT Services of Calgary at the following meeting last October at the SMRP conference in Greensboro, NC

A very interesting year, and one that allowed PEMAC to improve the services and value we bring to our members – the practitioners and professionals who manage maintenance, reliability and asset management activities for their businesses in Canada.

Going Forward - 2012

We will continue to follow and improve on the PEMAC Strategic Plan 2009 – 2014. Our Strategic Plan is available for your review and posted on our
website (under 'About:Projects'), we welcome your comments and participation.

Our marketing plan will focus on developing relationships with industry sector associations. All industry sectors invest capital in physical assets that are managed by maintenance, reliability and asset management practitioners and professionals. PEMAC offers workforce and professional development events, education and certification programs that are recognized by those industry sector associations as value they can bring their memberships. CNAM (Canadian Network of Asset Management) CABA (Continental Automated Buildings Association), CIM (Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum) and CINDE (Canadian Institute for NDE). Included in this initiative will be PEMAC participation and support for their business activities.    

MainTrain is now in its 13th edition and going into its 9th year and the premier workforce and professional development event in Canada. Our media partnership with PEM and REM magazines is just as long. These two magazines are now published by Annex Business Media and we see a continuing, mutually beneficial relationship going forward. IMEC (International Maintenance Excellence Conference) developed and produced by the University of Toronto since 2006 and PEMAC are discussing a combined effort in Toronto for 2012

Attending to the interests of our PEMAC members is the responsibility of the following staff people: Cindy Snedden, MMP Program Director, Kim Mustill, Administration; Melanie Mangion, Accounting and Lazeena Lutchman, Printing + many volunteers across Canada under the direction of our new Board of Directors, led by incoming President Robert Lash. Their contribution is exceptional and PEMAC is very fortunate to have such people managing the association.

In closing, we would like to pay special recognition and thanks to Brian Malloch, who retired as President in 2011. It was during his leadership and dedication to our profession for more than 7 years that moved PEMAC to be recognized as a global leader in maintenance, reliability and asset management practices.

I have informed PEMAC of my plans to retire from the Executive Director position by September 1, 2012. This will mark my 20th year as a member of PEMAC and I’ve had the privilege of serving in various positions – Member #25, contributing writer on technical subjects, PEMACTION Editor, Director; Treasurer , Secretary and since 2002 their second Executive Director. I will continue to support PEMAC beyond 2012.

Thank you, you just don’t know how much I’ve enjoyed my relationship with PEMAC and with the profession of maintenance – it’s been 50+ years!

Watch for an official Executive Directlor Job Posting on the PEMAC website in the coming months. In the meantime if you think you might be interested in the Executive Director position, please feel free to contact me to learn more.

- Norm Clegg, Executive Director