Our thoughts are with Fort McMurray
On behalf of the PEMAC Board of Directors, the Fort McMurray Chapter leadership team and the entirePEMAC membership I would like to extend thoughts and prayers to the PEMAC members, their families and associates who have been affected by the Fort McMurray fire.
We are proud to know that our members, being leaders in their companies, have very likely been on the front lines of offering help and assistance to evacuees while being evacuees themselves.
Understanding that homes, schools and businesses are places that we pour our hearts into, we would like to express deep sympathy for any who have these kinds of suffered personal, material losses. To all who have been evacuated, we know that the disruption to lives and loss of control for the foreseeable future is extremely difficult under what were already difficult and uncertain times in the region.
Like so many around the country we are moved to offer any kind of assistance that might be meaningful. For members from outside the region here are a few points about how to help:
- Given that the Federal and Provincial governments have pledged to make matching contributions via the Red Cross PEMAC will donate $1000 to the Red Cross and we would like to encourage our members to consider making personal contributions as well. For more on how the Red Cross will handle contributions see this article. To donate personally click here.
- Maclean's magazine has compiled a great list of agencies who are set up to administer many different kinds of assistance in this article.
- In addition we are happy to connect PEMAC members who might want to offer practical assistance directly to other PEMAC members. You could email executive.director@pemac.org with such offers. We will compile these as they come in and forward them on to our Fort McMurray Chapter members.
Wishing our Fort McMurray Chapter members and friends safety and hope at this difficult time.
Cindy Snedden
Executive Director, PEMAC