City Scape

PEMAC Members Save


PEMAC members have access to great rates for home and auto insurance through our group partnership agreement with The Personal. One of the many benefits to membership includes savings for various products and services, and we are happy to share that The Personal has offered great rates to PEMAC members for many years now. The Personal is also a long time supporter of PEMACs MainTrain conference.   

For more than 40 years, The Personal has been committed to meeting the unique needs of clients, and this commitment has earned us the trust of more than 700 Canadian businesses and associations today.

What members are saying:
"I had just received notice that my insurance rates were going to increase when a letter from The Personal arrived. I decided to call for a free quote and was pleasantly surprised how much I could save through the PEMAC group rates at The Personal. I decided to change insurance companies immediately. The only regret I have is that I didn't call sooner."

"I called The Personal for a free quote to see how it compared to my current home and auto insurance provider. I was excited to hear that I could save a lot of money with this plan so I made the choice to switch. With the savings and the great customer service along the way, it's a decision I'm glad I made."

Don't miss your chance to save money now! Call for your free quote 1-888-476-8737. Or visit for more information.