City Scape

PEMAC Releases 2020-2021 Annual Report

On Wednesday, December 1st, PEMAC Asset Management Association of Canada held an online annual general meeting for the 2020-2021 period. The event provided the association and its members an opportunity to connect and learn about the performance of the organization, and ended with an open discussion on the content of the meeting. The closing discussion was predominantly focused on ways in which to continue the important work being undertaken by the association's members, partners and supporters from across Canada and around the world. The PEMAC 2020-2021 Annual Report was made public shortly after the AGM and is available to download and read below. 

In the period between July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021, the PEMAC Board has been supporting the staff in its efforts to deliver on its well-respected programs and to further develop the offerings of the association, while fundamentally changing the way the Board, itself, functions with the aim to “Grow the Capacity of PEMAC to support its vision.”

Significant Contributions from the Board

The Board of Directors has established three core working groups, “Strategy and Performance”, “Risk and Audit” and “Governance” with each team focused on building core processes to enable PEMAC to achieve a new stage of growth – to engage more and more members in the voluntary work of the association guided by and aligned with the Strategic Plan.

The  activities and milestones are listed on page 2 of the annual report including continuing to weather the stresses of the global pandemic by offering a successful online conference, significantly contributing to global developments, creating a new certificate as well as a globally aligned set of new certifications, establishing a continuing professional development program for PEMAC certifications, and serving as a national partner in the FCM Municipal Asset Management Program.

The  list  of staff and volunteers who have made PEMAC programs and developments possible is included at the end of this report. Apologies in advance to anyone whose name we may have missed.


PEMAC 2020-2021 Annual Report

Download the PEMAC 2020-2021 Annual Report