Thriving Instead of Surviving: How Redundancy Can Save Money
BoK Content Type:
Presentation Slides
Presentation Paper
BoK Content Source:
MainTrain 2023
Original date:
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Thriving instead of surviving: how a little bit of redundancy is helping companies to thrive in tumultuous times. Changing the strategy and planning around “trimming the fat” or “make it lean” is going to take some time, but the change is required. The events of the past four years have proved that “lean and mean” is more akin to clinging on by the fingernails or being left behind. Proper asset management strategies depend on being able to access parts in a timely manner so that preventative maintenance can be performed as scheduled. Keeping a spare or critical spare on hand acts as a buffer when a supplier is unable to deliver on time, or a shipment is stuck waiting in a port. It may appear to be a “waste of money,” as this piece of inventory is now hitting the bottom line and is not yet needed; however, what is the cost of not having it? Or the cost of having to outsource it last minute? Moreover, how are the supplier relationships? This presentation will explain how redundancy can help save money and time through changing how businesses operate and view their bottom line. Attendees will learn how to review and calculate the cost of a stockout and compare it to holding a spare or critical spare; hear how to set or adjust inventory review policies; and discover that having multiple supplier options will help operations continue even in times of change and emergency.