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00 Maintenance Management - General

  • Optimize The Value of Your Membership

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2023
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, January 30, 2024
    By definition, member associations exist to serve their members. So ensuring members are satisfied and engaged is a key strategic priority for every association. An association’s long-term success depends on delivering value to members so that they remain engaged, loyal and happy to renew their membership.Join us for an informative and interactive discussion on how to optimize the value of your membership to elevate your career and move your organization forward. Hear three members, from engaged organizations, share their experiences and how they effectively access the suite of membership features to benefit personally and from an organizational standpoint. Following the member panel dialogue, PEMAC staff will present a comprehensive review of membership features, and more importantly, provide tangible ways to increase engagement and proactively connect, learn and contribute. The session will provide plenty of opportunity to ask questions of members and staff.Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to optimize the value of your membership.

    BoK Content Type: 
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2023
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, January 30, 2024
  • Case Study: Extending the Life of Critical Process Pipework at the City of Winnipeg North End Sewage Treatment Plant

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2023
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, September 13, 2023
    The City of Winnipeg faced challenges with the condition of their Return Activated Sludge (RAS) piping within the North End Sewage Treatment Plant. Non-destructive and destructive condition assessment techniques were used to determine that the critical process piping was life expired, and required replacement or rehabilitation to maintain process level of service until the plant is upgraded. Replacement of a RAS piping system is akin to major heart surgery on a sewage treatment plant. To manage the process risk, in situ structural renewal using an engineered Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) external wrap system to encapsulate the original carbon steel piping was chosen. Selection of the rehabilitation method reduced the schedule by two years compared to the replacement option and minimized operational risk, as process outages were reduced to a few short-term events. Offline testing of mock-ups and emphasis on environmental and quality control further managed the risks associated with CFRP installation. The project faced unique challenges due to the complex configuration of the RAS piping, which was located inside a congested plant gallery with surrounding equipment, piping, and electrical services in continuous operation. To effectively convey information during planning, design, tender, and construction, a digital 3D model was developed using laser scanning to capture the detailed configuration of the piping and surrounding physical constraints. The 3D model was embedded with data to define the rehabilitation scope, locations of existing pipe leaks requiring immediate repair, rework of pipe supports to accommodate the CFRP installation, and other aspects relevant to the work. This model was a highly effective tool used for collaborative review by all project team members throughout design and construction, leading to successful completion of the RAS piping rehabilitation.
  • Deployment of Asset Condition Monitoring Sensors for Rotating Equipment

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2023
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, September 13, 2023
    Cameco Corp. has recently deployed approximately 1,500 wireless asset condition monitoring sensors across four of its operations. This presentation will explore all aspects of this project, from initial identification of business pain, all the way through to deployment and management of the system. Condition-based monitoring of rotating assets typically involves a route that is executed at a fixed interval to collect asset condition data. This data can include vibration, temperature, acoustic emissions, and others. This data is then downloaded into software and analyzed for faults and trends. This method has many shortcomings that can be solved with remote sensing technology. This presentation will take you through Cameco’s journey of identifying the limitations of traditional data collection and why an alternative was investigated. Some of the key topics will include problems and inefficiencies with the current system, methodology used to determine which sensor company to partner with, potential cost savings and benefits, deployment strategy and execution, and some screen captures of actual asset detections. Finally, we will conclude with lessons learned and benefits realized from deploying a sensor solution.
  • Quantify and Simplify

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    White Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2023
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, September 12, 2023
    As maintainers, we know there is a lot of value in what we do. Without our work, plant, and equipment will soon stop and our companies will then go out of business. What we do impacts safety, health, revenues, costs, and company reputation. A dirty little truth about maintenance is that it is only we who work in it, that really know the value of what we do – or do we? We do know our value in qualitative terms, but can we quantify it? Most maintenance can be improved and we know it. We can do things more efficiently, and we can keep things running more reliably. We often know how to do that, but when we want to make those improvements there is no money for them. Why? Most business people know very little about what we do and how it impacts their business. They see maintenance as a repair shop. We fix what breaks. And they know little, or nothing, more. They may know that maintenance represents a significant cost, and they may even know that they can’t get away with cutting it too much. But they do not know the full value of what maintenance can deliver, nor what it takes to deliver it. If you want to make improvements you need a decision-maker, someone with executive-level authority, to back you up. To get that, you will need to explain what value you can deliver, and in terms they can understand. You will need to show them the savings that are possible from doing things more efficiently, and the added revenues that can arise from investment in defining the right work. You will also need to show them how their support is needed to bring operators and the supply chain into the team with you to make those changes happen so that benefits are fully realized. Quantifying value and being simple in how you say it matters.
  • Planning & Scheduling ROI - Why Aren't you Achieving It?

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Monday, March 28, 2022
    We’ve all heard time and time again the value that Planning and Scheduling brings to a Maintenance organization. But, is your organization fully realizing this value? If Planning and Scheduling is intended to be a “wrench time multiplier” of you Maintenance Technicians, have you looked at the “wrench time” of your Planners and Schedulers? What are the potential barriers preventing them from achieving the ultimate goals of their roles? Can one Maintenance Planner really bring the same effective value as 15-17 tradespersons in your organization? Likely not, and it isn’t the fault of your Planners and Schedulers. In this presentation we’ll review the planning and scheduling function, define what it really is, and more importantly what it is NOT. We’ll also take a close look at many of the “value vampires” common in Planning and Scheduling that detract from the intended value generation. We’ll compare what an ideal Day-in-the-life of a Maintenance Planner should be against the realities they so commonly face. The intent of this presentation is to help you understand Why Planning and Scheduling is likely less effective than it could be in your organization. More importantly, this will hopefully trigger changes that help the Planners and Schedulers in your teams do more of what they do best.
  • Why It Is So Difficult to Make Big Business Improvements in Reliability and Maintenance

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Saturday, March 19, 2022
    Business improvements require changes. In reliability and maintenance, some of the change factors are within our control, but many are not. If we stick with small changes, they can often happen but they often fail to achieve their full potential. Why? The short answer is that there are many factors we can’t control and usually we have limited influence. Some of those are related to people and are dealt with by “change management”, but others are related to how our businesses are structured and organized. If we want to make big changes we need to get past that! This presentation will give you something to think about and share with your senior management. If they want miracles from you, then they will need to make it possible!
  • What is Reliability Worth to Your Business?

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2022
    Original date: 
    Saturday, March 19, 2022
    We know that reliability has value to your business, but many of us with technical backgrounds struggle to present a good business case to decision-makers. We are very often held back by budget constraints and we are not in a position to make decisions involving financial risk-taking. Most of us don't have a business background, nor do we speak "finance". It is a whole different language than maintenance and reliability, yet we all want the same things for our business. This presentation will give you some ideas on what you will need to determine in order to show what reliability is worth, and how to present that to decision-makers.
  • MainTrain 2021 Power Panel

    BoK Content Type: 
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2021
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, September 28, 2021
    The “Power Panel” is comprised of reliability and asset management professionals in the electricity industry and will speak to their experiences within the industry that can be applied to outside of an electricity utility. They will cover a roadmap to ISO55001:2014 certification, asset maintenance strategies and mitigation of risks for capital assets.  Moderator:Daniel Gent, Director of Analytics, Canadian Electricity AssociationDan leads CEA’s Reliability Programs, the only national industry program that leverages reliability data analytics on behalf of member and participating utilities. Dan is a Certified Business Analyst Professional with Certification in Business Data Analytics with over 10 years of experience in the electricity sector working in reliability and asset management, and over 15 years in the telecom industry working in business intelligence support. Rounding out his work at CEA, he also oversees several other committees from Technology to Data Strategy and Finance, Tax and Accounting.Panelists: Erin MacNeil, P.Eng, Asset Management Operations Manager, Nova Scotia PowerErin MacNeil is a Mechanical Engineer with experience in both the Utility and Alberta Oilsands industries.  As the Asset Management Operations Manager for Nova Scotia Power, Erin leads a team which designs and administers processes, programs and technologies which enable, sustain and optimize asset-centric maintenance strategies, and advance initiatives with respect to operations and maintenance excellence.  Erin has worked with NS Power's Asset Management Office for 8 years, and is a Professional Engineer (Mechanical) as well as having attained IAM Certification.  Nova Scotia Power’s AM team has been the recipient of a number of awards including a 2019 Game Changer Award (Connected Plant Conference), and a 2018 GE Digital Innovator Award.  Kyle Smith, Supervisor, Maintenance and Reliability, Hydro OttawaKyle Smith, P. Eng. oversees a team of engineers dedicated to keeping Hydro Ottawa’s distribution system assets functioning, reliable, and cost effective for customers. He leads the development and operation of routine maintenance and inspection programs, as well as processes and initiatives to improve system reliability. Prior to joining Hydro Ottawa in 2019, he gained experience in various technical roles with Nova Scotia Power, Inc. and held leadership positions with both the Canadian Electricity Association and Engineers Canada. Kyle holds degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Mathematics from Dalhousie University.Ehsan Abbasi, Ph.D., P.Eng, SMIEEE, Senior Reliability Engineer, Lifecycle Maintenance Engineering, AltaLinkEhsan has been with AltaLink as Senior Reliability Engineer – Lifecycle Maintenance Engineering since 2015. He has been active in electrical power industry and academia for more than 12 years with experience on reliability assessment of power transmission and distribution networks, power assets lifecycle, reliability centered maintenance, risk based asset management, condition monitoring along with power system SCADA and IED management solutions. Ehsan received B.Sc. from Amirkabir University of Technology and M.Sc. in Energy Systems Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran in 2005 and 2007 respectively. He received M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer from University of Calgary, AB, Canada in 2010 and 2018 respectively. He joined IEEE in 2009 and is currently a Senior Member. He has been a committee member of CEA Transmission Consultative Committee on Outage Statistics (T-CCOS) since 2015.
  • Understanding and Using the GFMAM Framework for Maintenance

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    BoK Content Source: 
    PEMAC Produced
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, May 26, 2021
    The Global Forum on Maintenance & Asset Management and highlights of the second edition of it’s recently published Maintenance Framework, including the project to develop the document and differences from the first edition.